Welcome, Jim. So you want to be a WACKO!
These forums will certainly provide the space and motivation for you to post to your heart's delight and achieve wacko status after ONLY 50 postings. You are off to a great start with your enthusiasm.

Once you become a wacko, you can join the rest of us in working towards a lighthouse restoration project. Wackos are going to have their very own pin, to signify their achievement. The profits from purchasing the pin will go as a donation to one needy lighthouse that wackos will be voting to select right after an Oct. 3 deadline.

To find out how you can participate and help, please first read my posting at the beginning of this forum about becoming a wacko. Then go to the General Forum and do a bit of scrolling down to find four postings that explain the whole project, and read them in this order to make sense: "No automatic buzzer for wackodom; calling all wackos; wacko update; and make a list-who needs it most" Look for ladylightkeeper after each of these, which may be easier for your eye to pick out.

I urge all newbies who read this post to please do the same thing. All wackos welcome you to wackoland once you walk that road of 50 posts. Good luck and have fun doing it.

Keep the Flame, Ladylightkeeper
