Hi Ladybug and welcome to this wonderful HL family of lighthouse lovers.

I had the good fortune to supervise a work crew of men and women working on the Carl Vinson (CVN70) back in 1992 at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. The job lasted several weeks and I was able to get around alittle and see some of the beautiful country near Seattle. Unfortunately, I wasn't into lighthouses as much as I am now (although I have always liked them). If we ever make it out to your area I would like to get some guidance from you as to the places to go to see lighthouses.

Mary Jane and I just returned from a lighthousing trip through Maine and into New Brunswick, Canada. We went 1500 miles and saw 32 different lighthouses. I have many post cards and pictures of the lights that we saw in Maine and would be happy to swap for some of the same from your area.

The kite flying sounds like fun. Have you known anyone to put a camera on the kite and get pictures from aloft?

Again, welcome to this great forum. I look forward to reading your posts in the future.

(CT Keeper)

(CT Keeper)