Hi Derith,
You wanted to know a little about me ---
I was born in Atlanta and moved to Seattle in 1971. I have been married to the same guy for the past 28 years. We have two daughters and three lovely grandchildren all close by so we get to see them often. I work for the local YMCA as a child care center director/area coordinator/trainer which keeps me rather busy during the week. On the weekends and in my spare time my husband and I enjoy kiteflying and try to get to the ocean at least once a month [more often when the weather is nice]to fly our single line kites. We have a kite festival with competion coming up in July. One Saturday a month I volunteer my time at the Mukilteo Lighthouse giving tours, working in the gift shop, whatever is needed. Have been doing that for about 5 years now. You stated you were coming my way in July -- when and where will you be staying? If time permits I would be happy to take you around to some of our local lighthouses. My daughter and I spent an afternoon several weeks ago going to Point No Point, Point Wilson, Marrowstone Point, and Admiralty Head. Could also add Mukilteo to that trip as well if you are interested. Look forward to chatting with you soon.