Tony - I think that 95% of us understand what you are trying to do and say, and 100% of those 95% appreciate what you are doing. Sure, there will be some complaints from the 5%, but, that is the nature of the beast. You can never please all of the people at one time. The Forums collectors are just a small percentage of the HL collectors, and I'm sure make up only a small percentage of the collectors that redeemed by Jan 8th. The fact that you are giving all collectors another chance to get a Jordan Point is great and should end some of the complaining. The fact that some of us will be able to get a second piece is even better. Thanks again for listening to your collectors. The only question that I have remaining, about those of us fortunate to get another Jordan Point, is will at least 6 of the 8 new 2010 releases be at the dealers by the second cutoff date of March 31st?

By the way, the first half of the 2010 releases are great and I may even be forced into buying another cabinet if the second half of 2010 is equal to this group. Please pass this on to Harry when you talk to him.
