Hello Everyone,

I am another newbie. I have always enjoyed light houses but until the last couple of years I would never go out of my way to visit one. Since I started collecting HL's last summer I now seen to plan my trips around lighthouse. I was in Michigan the past several winters on snowmobile trips. I visited quite a few on Lakes Michigan and Superior by snowmobile on those trips. I visited others, that are not accessable by snowmobile, by car while there.

About 5 years ago, before I was so interested in Lighthouse, I was in northern Wisconsin on a snowmobile trip. It was an extremely cold winter and Lake Superior was frozen solid. Some of the guys in my group actually rode their snowmobiles to a couple of offshore lighthouses. I thought they were crazy at the time but now I wish I had gone along.

This summer I plan on visiting the Outer Banks over Memorial Weekend and attending the
ceremonies and signing at Cape Hatteras on the 27th. I also have a Tarpon fishing trip to Boca Grande in June so I plan on visiting that one also. Hope to get to Cape Cod later in the summer and catch some of those also.

I am sure glad that my wife enjoys them also!

Jim Thomas