Wow! What a great site. My name is Ed Huber and I'm quite new to collecting HL. My interest in lighthouses just kind of clicked on about a year ago. Our family has vacationed in New Symrna Beach for about 15 years. The Ponce De Leon LH was always around but I had never been inside until last year. To keep it short, I'm hooked.

I'm an Engineer that has always been fascinated with detail so I guess it was inevitable. I attended a local club meeting for the first time last week and met Bill Younger at a signing at my first meeting. What Luck! I only have 4 pieces at present (Ones I have visited) but I'm sure there will be more. I'm really sorry I didn't know about them years ago. I've missed so many great pieces.

Thanks for such a great site with all the info you could possibly want about HL. Thanks to Pat Palmer-Ball for her hospitality at the meeting here in Louisville. I'll be around!