I resurfaced the Rosemont 2000 Forum to find this photo of the very first 'annual' WACKO Reunion:

Back row, left to right:
Paul Sosteric (Jaker's dad), Kim Fuller (Lvhrbrlghts), Gary Toth, Dave Hannum (DaveH), Carolyn McBee, Esther Andrews (Kim & Blair's daughter), Maureen Atwell, Jim Johnson, Judy Roth (Sunshine)
Front row standing:
Stephen Sosteric (Jakers), Cheryl Sosteric (Jakers Mom), Derith Bennett (Nana), Sue LeFever (Mombo), Ruthie Cooper (MrsTLC), Patty Kaiser (KAIZ), Kay Toth, Sue Brady, Roy McBee, Ken Reese (KeeperKR)
Front row, kneeling:
Paul Brady (WackoPaul, engBrady + others), Fred Kuhlman, and Mike Kaiser (KAIZ).
Hehind the camera:
John Chidester (aka St. John)

Missing (some others we met who couldn't be present when this photo was taken:
Jim Johnston "Those Restoration Series are really great, Bill. Any ideas for others?"
Alan & Diane Beckman (AB in Alabama) + spouse
Suzanne Murphy
Mary & Herm Heuvelhorst (BrightEyes) who arrived Sunday
Mark Wagner (Slugo35, MayorQuimbee)
Kat & Larry Waterson (KAT)
Tom & Joyce Abbott
Dave Dutcher