Detail is easy: Nikon F5, Nikkor 300 mm f4 AFS lens; the shot was taken from the top of a sand dune over looking the lake to give me some elevation to contrast the spray from the breaking waves against the dark water of the lake rather than against the bright sky so that the spray would be more visible. The camera was in autofocus mode set to film advance at 4 frames/sec. For this type of shot, I normally use Shutter priority mode (S) with a shutter speed of 1/800th of a sec using Fuji Provia 100F professional slide film. The cover shot was one of a series of 7 photos in a sequence of that particular wave breaking over the outer light there on the north pier at St Joseph, Michigan. I happened to chose this as the one photo from that particular sequence of shots to send in to LH Digest's annual photo contest as one of my entries in the Storm Swept Lighthouse category.

There are several galleries of photos of storm swept lighthouses, including GIF animated sequences, on my website. You can get into the storm animation galleries from the following link:

The cover photo and the animated sequence that it came from are at the following URL:

Hope the above helps some.
