On to Sunday. Long drive up north to Ashley Avery's. The event began as usual, with Cindy again generating numerous little slips of gold paper (so aptly colored). Attendence was quite good, and things were not looking good for Cindy doing a repeat. First, 3 time gold winner Mary was there. Then, towards the end, in comes Rev. Dave. Great. A servant of God and it's a Sunday. (You may recal that last year in Ft. Collins Rev. Dave's beautiful little girl drew his name for the gold. Divine intervention?) Anyway, the Fates do not appear to be smiling on Cindy today. The tension builds, and the scheduled 3:00 PM drawing is delayed by last-minute piece signings.

Finally, the 'golden' moment arrives and YES! AGAIN Nancy says the magic word "CINDY".... laugh

And then, well, things got ugly. The initial round of applause gave way to murmuring. Comments of 'Didn't she just win yesterday?' and 'What's going on here'. Then the suspicious and threatening looks began. Nancy, sensing that things were about to 'go south,' quickly packed up the gold and we began to plan our escape. Cindy went behind the counter with Nancy and I was able to snap this quick picture. (Notice the arm moving menacingly across in front of them... eek ) I don't want to go into details of how we made our escape, other than to note that it's a good thing I'm a cop. (Amazing what an effect firing a couple rounds into the ceiling has....)