I don't think the $10 parking, Event piece or Gold Piece not being there had a thing to do with the turnout and the fact that the event is held the same time each year should have been a benefit to the event.

My feelings are three things caused the demise in this years attendance.

1. The price of gas - driving whatever distance at $3.25 for regular to $3.65 for high test is a BIG expense. Getting 20 MPG and driving 200 miles like I did comes out to $36 and for a younger family with kids it is quite an expense one you add in food, drinks, etc.

2. People just not interested in spending money on lighthouses because the fad is over and they're spending money on other fads.

3. Bill Younger is not the owner of Harbour Lights anymore so why waste the time and money to have him sign pieces. Us older folks still relate to Bill, Nancy and Kim, but, the newer collectors could care less.

I also think that this event being held so close to Easter this year may have played a big part because people are staying home to rest up for next weekend. It's a shame!
