Taa Daa! Thanks for the introduction John, but only in the top ten HL Event attendees, I am at least in the top five.
The first and most important thing to do if possible is get to know the dealer who is hosting the event, if it isn't either your main dealer that you buy from, or to far (4 or 5 hour) to make an extra trip. You can find out if they are having a drawing and maybe buy a couple of lighthouses ahead to get chances if they are having a drawing. The visit ahead of time to the dealer can really help you not cause any problems on the signing date, especially if you have several you want signed. The most time consuming thing at a signing is getting the lighthouses out of their boxes and putting them back in their boxes. What I have done is construct a carrying box. I took a box that was about 24 in by 24 in and then cut the sides about 6 in from the bottom. That gave me a 6 in tall, opened top, 24 by 24 carrying box. I then reinforced the bottom by taping inside and out with very strong fiber tape and taking a piece of the box that I cut off to be a sheet and taping it to the inside of the bottom. Next put some towels on the bottom to keep the lighthouses from sliding and have a towel to lay over the top.
I take my lighthouses to a signing event in individual boxes. I then work out of the car, opening them one at a time and putting them in the HL CB (Carrying Box). I put each one in a separate bubble wrap bag and into the HL CB. When I get to the front of the line I can pull out 6 or 7 lighthouses at one time for Bill to sign. Put them back in the bubble bags and in the HL CB as Bill signs them. Do it this way and you can keep them safe. They won't click each other by using the bags. You will probably take less time, getting 6 or 7 signed, than the person who gets to the front of the line with one lighthouse, still in the box and not ready to be signed. Dealers might look at you strangely but if you promise not to hold anybody up they probably won't have a problem.
Remember, if you buy something while your there, they really won't any problem with you having1 lighthouse or 20 lighthouses signed.
That's the first lesson at HL101 Signings class (not Admiralty).

WackoPaul alias engbrady alias Paul L Brady

PS Don't be shy, ask Bill questions about Harbour Lights and lighthouses. He very knowlegable about both subjects and sometimes will surprise you with the answer.
Enjoy yourself, because Bill will be enjoying himself, and you will have a really good memory, along with being better informed and having your lighthouse signed.

[This message has been edited by engbrady (edited 03-11-99).]

Onward to The Land of the Midnight Sun!