A good time was had by all at Edgewater Treasures on Saturday. Kim was not to anxious to be there as we kidded with her and told her another hurricane could whip at at any time and ground her flight back to California. She stayed quite busy signing pieces and I didn't really get a chance to talk too much about furture releases. I did mention to her that the flag on the Eagle should not be flying from the fantail when a ship is underway and showed her where the flag should be flying. The fantail is where the flag flys when a ship is in port. The Collectors Forum was well represented with Shortcake, Jim Chesher, Daniel and myself being present. We also did quite well with the gifts as Shortcake won a balloon and lighthouse, Jim won a lighthouse, Daniel won a HL shirt and the "Gold", I won a LE lighthouse and my son won a HL Society membership kit. Maybe one of the others talked to Kim more about future releases and will post what they heard.
