This topic started life here and Part II can be found here .

Join us for the first collector driven regional type event, to be held the weekend of May 14-16 in Door County WI. At this point, I have about 115 collectors planning to attend the dinner on Saturday evening. Kim Andrews, CEO of Harbour Lights, will be our special guest. The dinner will be in Baileys Harbor, featuring a traditional Door County fish boil (with broasted chicken alternative). There will also be time for socializing at the dinner.

We will also be having get-togethers at one of the two hotels where we have special pricing arrangements. Other things happening that weekend:

• Cana Island light will be open to climb (a first!)

• The restored Pottawatomie Light will have a dedication ceremony. Many of the group plan to take the Island Clipper to view some lights and make the trek to the light. See Part 2 to read up on that discussion.

• We will have our very own Director of Liquid Refreshment (Mombo) who will allegedly be driving a polka dot themed beer dispensing vehicle.

Lighthouse Walk web page

The weekend will be a great time for all. Many of the Wacko Family are planning to attend for the festivities. Don't be the one who missed out on this gathering! Oh, did I mention that there will be a special very limited edition event piece produced by Harbour Lights?

If you are interested in attending, you need to let me know. At this point people wil be on a space available list for the dinner, depending on space available for the dinner. If you are interested and have not requested the event information (with hotel and dinner info) send me an email at e v e n t (take out the spaces).
