Hi Everyone,
I wasn't sure if Larry and I were going to be able to go to the dinner since I waited so long to call Rosemary but, she just happen to have a few more tickets and so we will both be there. We are so looking forward to seeing familiar faces as well as meeting new ones. Friday evening sounds like it will be wonderful...does anyone know if the dress is casual or a little more spiffy??
Hey Dave H., thanks for the info on the sleep inn, we made our reservations there. Although I was thinking it would be fun to rent a beach house for the weekend...we can always cancel our hotel reservations if anyone is interested. I did some checking and there are places available that time of the year that you can rent by the day.
Hey Mombo, are you serious about the 5K run?? If you are let me know, I will step up my workouts and maybe we can enter together.
See everyone there....should be a great weekend!!!

KAT {=*+*=}