I am soo glad that I am not going crazy. We also watched Providence last night and spent the entire show looking through all our lighthouse books. I know we didn't see all the lighthouses around Providence, but we saw quite a few in '98. I thought for sure they wouldn't use a lighthouse from the west coast when they have so many of their own.

When they first showed it I told Roy that it looked exactly like Pigeon Point. We were there last summer and I took plenty of photographs of it. I knew we could come to the forums and find out which lighthouse it was.

I too am looking forward to the continuation of the keeper's storyline. This will give me a lighthouse fix until we can go visit one for real. Looking forward to the end of cold weather and summer vacation.

Thanks again for bringing this thread to the forums. We'll keep an eye out for more lighthouses on t.v. Take care everyone


Roy & Carolyn