Ok here's a question for John or Paul or someone more directly connected with Harbour Lights-

Has the date of the Regional in Florida been changed.

The insert with the Lighthouse Legacy lists it as the same day as the St Augustine Lighthouse Festival- 3-20-04. The date was listed at 3-21-04 previously here in the forums and confirmed by Harbour Lights as such.

Member # 344

posted 10-14-2003 09:40 AM
I got this information from Jake Toering who was at the Alpena Lighthouse Festival..

Heard Kim speak at the Festival. She talked about the two Regional Events next year. 3-21-2004 at St. Augustine and 7-4-2004 at San Franciso at the Lightship Relief.


I have since confirmed these event dates with Desireé of Harbour Lights, who is the HL events coordinator
Posts: 3566 | From: Indy | Registered: A Long Time Ago!

Member # 1363

posted 10-14-2003 06:42 PM
Hi From HL HQ! Just wanted to drop a line about 2004 Regionals. We are putting together the two events in conjunction with existing lighthouse related events. The first Regional, in March, is being put together around the annual St. Augustine Lighthouse picnic/open house event.

The USLHS will be hosting an evening event on the 4th of July and are expecting quite a crowd for the fireworks show that happens right on the water by the ship.

So keep your ears and eyes open because we are going to be putting more energy and time into planning just the two for next year. But as always expected its going to be fun, fun, fun!
Posts: 24 | Registered: Nov 2002

Anybody know which is correct- 3-20 or 3-21-04?
