Being spoiled by a cable modem, I can't answer this question myself.

My website currently contains small thumbnail pictures (180x135 pixels) that when clicked open to a larger (640x480) full sized picture. Doing this is chewing up webspace that I get from my ISP and I'm almost full, so I had to come up with a new idea if I were to continue to expand. Thus, I am rebuilding and eliminating the large pictures. The thumbnails are being replace by a larger (320x240) non-clickable picture.

Here's my question....How long are you willing to wait for a webpage to load? One minute? Two minutes? More, if you think the content is worth it? (and by definition, lighthouses are)

The software I am using (FrontPage 98) tells me how long it should take a page to open on a 28.8k connection. I'm trying to keep the pages under 2 minutes (which should equate to about a minute on a 56k connection).

Thanks for you help.