Thanks everyone for the best wishes.

Gee Mombo, it would be nice to be waited on, but I live alone so thats not happening. I do have some friends helping with grocery shopping. I lent my car to my son so he could drive here and help me with laundry and take garbage to the curb. Some people at work have brought some meals to my home once a week. Pam drove me to the doctor last Wednesday where they took out the stitches and put on a fiberglass cast. I still cannot walk on it and have to keep my foot raised.

Sitting still was driving me crazy so I started cross stitching lighthouses again. I want to be out in the garden, but I cannot do that.

I had a little excitement the other day when a chipmunk got in the house. Hopping on one leg, holding onto a walker with one hand and a broom in my other hand and with my cat Katie doing round up, we got the chipmunk out of the house.

Bob Scroope - I haven't had any work done on my knees. I only have trouble with my knees when I walk down too many stairs. I was probably worried because Fire Island is so tall.

Suzanne Murphy
President, Wisconsin Lighthouse District (WILD)