Well said Saint Tim!

I hope that Lamar and Barbara see that the wackos are behind you! In fact I think it appears that the Saints are too!

I am thankful that the saints take such interest in the forums and have concern for everyone that participates. They do a great job! Wacko is not a copywrited name. Anyone can use it for a pin, hat, shirt or what ever they want. I'm glad that Lamar and Barbara have taken the time and effort to get everyones input in the pin project.

There are many debates that occur here in these fora becaue of different ideas and beliefs, that shouldn't stop anyone from posting or doing a special project like the pin. Remember these are only opinions. Don't let other's opinions hurt your feelings. I think its great that we can have open discussions even if the timing was not the best or the topic is something that is sensative. Just keep it in good taste and keep posting your ideas!


[This message has been edited by DALE LAWRENCE (edited 02-02-2000).]