Oh yeesh...so many photos...this is why I hang out behind the camera, haha.

Thank you for all the well wishes! It's still slowly sinking in that I won't be in Syracuse anymore, but I think it won't really hit until August. It does seem like I had just moved in, but I guess time really does fly when you're having fun.

As Sue said, we had a lot of adventures over my four years there. If it wasn't for her, I'd probably still barely know my way around there and have seen nowhere neara what I did. Or set off alarms at the Canadian border...

Now, it'll be off to University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and a MUCH shorter drive (which I am really looking forward to) to study urban planning. It'll be different, but I'm looking forward to living and learning there. And hey, you can't beat being four blocks from Lake Michigan!

Thank you once again for all of the well wishes. I know I have been kind of MIA for the past few years, but I do pop in from time to time to see what's going on. So I'm here, just lurking in the shadows. smile
