
I don't know if you remember reading here on the Forum that my dad passed away in August. I have found myself doing a lot of remembering. And those memories really seem to ease the feeling of loss quite a bit; more so as time goes on.

And my mother, both grandmothers, grandfather and step-mother very suddenly and unexpectedly passed away over just the past few years. My one Grandma was my absolute best friend. Of course, I loved them all. One thing I can tell you is that time does heal the hurt a little more with each day.

Christmas was a little tough this year. But I found myself at the Christmas dinner table with what little is left of my family, with grandma's, mom's and my step-mom's recipes on the table on my grandmother's china looking at one of daddy's and grandpa's favorite meals. My brother asked me to offer the prayer and I surprised myself when I said a prayer of thanks thanking the Lord for blessing us all with the man that my father was.

We will pray that the Lord ministers to you and your family during this really difficult time.

& Michael