Not sure if this has made nationwide coverage or not....but it's big around here. frown

Last night, around 5:30, the late-late bus from my school was taking the atheletes home in the dark and rain. A young girl was cycling at an interesection when the bus hit her and left her fatally injured in the street. The bus driver, who was 75, continued driving, not realising what had happened. The girl died about an hour later.

This morning, in history (Per. 1), they made an announcement for all students taking that bus to see the head of security. When we asked the teacher, we learned the news. It just broke into the AP a few hours ago...before that, we were following it in the local paper and through word of mouth.

Here's an AP article:,0,6797553.story?coll=ny-region-apnewjersey

Needless to say, I'd like to request prayers for the girl's family, and the entire Watchung Hills community. We've all been in a state of shock today from it.

I'll be sure to share anything else I hear "along the pipeline" with you. But for now, please keep everyone out here in your thoughts and prayers.