It was snowing last night, as the New Year approached, and when I took DJ, Lexis’ dog, out for his morning walk today there was beauty everywhere. The snow was balancing on branches of the trees and a blanket of white covered the golf course across the street from our condo.

After our walk I grabbed my camera and captured some of this beauty before it disappears. The sun is now up and there is a slight breeze, each attacking the peaceful lacey crystals, which will soon be gone.

I thought that I would share some of these New Years Day images with hopes that others will capture images in their part of the world and share them here as well.

Jan. 1, 2006
Groton, CT

This first image is proof that it was “Berry Cold”:

There is a small tree standing alone on the golf course:

A view looking down Shennecossett Rd. (the road in front of our condo) with the golf course on the left:

Looking up through the snow-laced branches of a large maple tree:

Snow-laced branches of the small lone tree on the course.

And finally, here is a section of the course covered with bittersweet (a nasty vine that chokes other vegetation) and other scrub brush where golfers sometimes lose their balls. Today it was a thing of beauty:

I hope that you will take a minute and post 2006 images from your corner of the world. Let’s see how many parts of the country we can capture at the start of this New Year.

(CT Keeper)

(CT Keeper)