Received the coveted phone call - won the rare artist proof of Tarreytown, NY. We can hardly wait to receive it! We are new to "lighthousing" - got hooked while vacationing in Bar Harbour, ME. While on a whalewatch we saw Egg Rock and that's when the fascination began. We visited as many as possible during our week there and stopped by chance at the Lighthouse Depot. A wonderful salesman (and I don't know his name) took his time and spent about 1 hour talking to us about the Harbour Lights Collection. Bill Younger was signing the next day and we purchased 3 HL's and had them shipped home - all signed. We have visited many lighthouses in our area since but also discovered the fun in collecting and looking for the original 13. We decided to try to get as many of the 5500 series as possible and have done quite well recently adding a Michigan City with rod and Point Arena. But still no Ft. Niagara.....

I spend hours (usually the wee hours of the
morning since I don't require much sleep)visiting this site and gathering much information. Thanks to all who make it work.

My husband (I'll call him NiagaraMan) is as enthusiastic as I and moved his beer stein collection to make room for the HL's - how's that for dedication? Looking forward to hearing from you - I'm starting to pick up the "lingo".