I've been in Florida for the last 9 days, going back to Arizona this afternoon.

Chris, my 21 year old son was accepted by and is now enrolled at Beacon College in Leesburg FL. It's about 50 miles NW of Orlando.

We've spent the last week visiting the Magic Kingdom, my sister in St. Pete and getting oriented to Beacon College and College Life.

The college owns an apartment complex specifically built for their students. Chris is enjoying the 'independend living' arrangements with 3 other roomates.

It's exciting for him and for me, as well. We'll miss him at home, but we're very proud of him and know that this special college will support him in academic as well as learning to live life independently.

No, I didn't choose the college because of it's "lighthouse-like" name. smile Chris selected Beacon, but I did set up a wireless network for the apartment today. The name of the network? Why "Lighthouse Beacon" of course.
