Realized last night that the post odometer was about to roll over to 2000. Since I used my 1000th post to brag that I was one of the very first wave registered for the Reunion (we had #'s 15-16-17), I thought I would try to make this 2000th post a special one too.

When folks ask about the Forums and what do you do there, or why should they visit, it is sometimes hard to explain. In the easiest answer, it is because this place is special. This group of Connected Collectors is the largest extended family you could ever imagine, and it is a high quality group of folks who hang out here. I have made so many friends here that I feel blessed. Some I have never met in person, but I have come to know them very well through our interaction here in the Forums.

Want to learn about Harbour Lights? You found the place. Interested in anything about lighthouses? This is certainly the place to learn. Have some exciting news to share? This is the place to share. Having a difficult time and want people to offer some prayers for you? You came to the right place. Talk about one stop does it all!

Throughout your participation, you will find lots of folks that you share common bonds with. I enjoy my interaction with Sean, Torch and Rich because of our common military backgrounds. I have been able to share lighthousing adventures with many, including Derith, the Kaisers, the Toths, the Thompsons, the Bradys, John, Shirin, Dennis and others because of, you guessed it, the Forums.

A special thanks to John for providing us this wonderful place to hang out, interact and learn. It allows us to fund raise for lighthouse preservation, to promote our clubs, to plan get-togethers among ourselves. Be sure to order your Wacko Name Badge and your Wacko Pin, and then stand and say with me

"I'm a Wacko and proud of it!"

[This message has been edited by Dave H (edited 03-03-2002).]