The 50 WACKOs mentioned includes anyone who has 50 or more posts; that includes the Cruise Directors and Saints - so don't double-count them.

If this is a 'WACKO' thing - having the 'honor' of being able to purchase an annual pin, then some additional supply of pins would be needed for those who reach WACKOdom between now and the end of the year.

I presume you are envisioning an 'Annual' so that all past WACKOs and those who reach the level in 2000 would be able to buy the 2000 pin.

Since the goal is to help one lighthouse or another, how about having the WACKOs nominate and vote each year on which lighthouse should be 'endowed'?

Perhaps we could call on the resources of Harbour Lights for some design help.

Now I'm wondering if there might be a 'secondary market' for messages? Could someone who has 35 messages posted 'buy up' the 15 messages from some person who is no longer active on the Forums?

Just wondering.

Great Idea, Barbara!