Larry - Very good input on preception to the Forums. I also like John's thoughts on not all new members being novices to Harbour Lights. I have made some changes to my welcoming message because of this.

We are now averaging between 1 and 2 new members a week. This is quite a decline from even a year ago when we averaged 3 to 4 new members a week. We welcome each and every member, but, few respond to these welcomes. I also have taken it upon myself to send out a private email to all new members inviting them to participate. I wish there was a way to reach out and convince these members to take the time to acknowledge these welcomes. If they were to respond and tell us about themselves, it would be easier to for our existing members to draw them in to conversations.

Thanks again for your input and if this original post to "turn the lights off" did nothing else, it allowed us to hear from you after 4 years. Please don't let it become another 4 years before you make your 2nd post.
