This afternoon I.O. and I were honored by a visit from Jakers and his family. They are here for a visit to Syracuse University tomorrow. After some much needed rain in the morning the skies cleared and the temperature dropped so the day turned very pleasant. We spent some time relaxing down by the river and then had supper outdoors.

(Sorry for the quality of the pictures. I guess I'll blame my son Bill, as he took them! He must have shook for the first one and then somehow managed to turn off the flash!)

Jakers (Stephen), Jakers Mom (Cheryl), Jakers Dad (Paul), Mombo and I.O.

Cheryl, Sue, Ed, Stephen and Paul
[This message has been edited by mombo (edited 07-23-2002).]

[This message has been edited by mombo (edited 07-23-2002).]