How about these two scenarios:

1. Instead of cutting back on the cost and sacrificing the glass case (G.C.). How about cutting back on the production and leaving the case. If the case makes the A.B. cost twice as much then, cutting the production in half (say 2,000) would create the same profits as 4,ooo Anchor Bay without the case. 4,000 x $75(A.B. without glass case) = 2,000 x $150(A.B. with glass case). (This of course is assuming that the profits are the same for the case as for the A.B. )
The low production number would sell faster and possibly create a demand. Creating a demand means more collectors wanting Anchor Bays .
And of course, a demand means that the next production could have a larger amount.

2. Or; Split the production in half. The first 2,000 would have glass cases. The second 2,000 would not. The auto shipments and low numbers would have the G.C. The collectors that have to have them first and the collectors that demand a low number (me) will buy the production with the case. The collector that is in no hurry but always looking for a deal (mombo), can wait for the second batch without case and costing half as much.

I feel that either of these two ideas would satisfy more collectors and possibly even make Harbour Lights more money.
