I have had a couple of requests by e-mail about the cat’s story at Pt Fermin, so I thought I would just post my response....

There were a dozen lighthouse cats (9 black), that’s what the group taking care of the lighthouse called them. They said they always stayed inside the fence. There were at least 50 to 60 cats that lived in the Park and on the face of the cliff outside of the lighthouse fence. They said the two groups stay apart from each other. Apparently this (Park) has become a site that people just drop off their unwanted cats. While we were at the lighthouse, there were three older ladies feeding them, down on the edge of the cliff face. The people in the lighthouse said there were 2 main women but almost a dozen altogether that come by and feed the cats on a daily basis. Some of the lighthouse cats are eating along the sidewalk in the picture that I posted. You have to figure they probably don't have a mouse problem in the Park or Pt Fermin lighthouse.

SaintWackoPaul '
Keep the Flame

Onward to The Land of the Midnight Sun!