Quality always supercedes quantity, Danny. Write on!

Back a few posts ago, I mentioned that I found an old, established store which carries HL and that I felt confident they would be around for a while - surprise, surprise, yesterday's paper announced their closing after umpteen years of business. Someone mentioned somewhere in the forums that collectors may be a thing of the past. I've been seeing such a trend and it certainly has seemed to intensify, at least in the Houston area. The closing of so many collectibles shops certainly seems to point that way. They can still be found in smaller, outlying communities, but, in Houston proper, they are disappearing at the blink of an eye. I really miss the days when I could go exploring in these shops - especially around Christmas time. I guess the younger generations are more minimalist than we were - I certainly am trying to be so in my "wiser" years. I'm much more practical, but practical is not as much fun, I guess.
