
They do take layaway, so that shouldn't be a problem, if you ever need to go that route. I was, and am, particularly fortunate with all my dealer sources, here. In each case, Lancelot's, Seven Seas, and Candle Nook, the owners ended up becoming friends. Given the wretched reputation of Kansas---anti-evolution coalition, Fred Phelps and his "God Hates Fags" coterie, the infamous BTK, the Clutter murders ["In Cold Blood"], George Tiller's clinic and the anti-abortionist demonstrations, tornados, the best-selling "What's the Matter with Kansas" by Franks, and Dorothy and Oz, Quantrill and his raiders, John Brown, the "World's Largest Ball of String" and deepest "Hand-dug Well", etc.---the majority of the people here are basically decent and friendly and tend to blink their collective eyes at all the absurdity and nonsense that transpires, and quietly disassociate themselves from it all. I know that I do! eek Granted, the cultural highlights of the year in Wichita are a bathtub race down the Arkansas River and tractor pulls, but a resolute application of cerebral determination can just manage to keep the brain cells aligned, if only in single file. That is why my fixating on a local lighthouse in my "formative years" was truly an aberration. Oh I see Truman Capote approaching with a pencil and pad to interview ME?
