Well today is Monday, June 12th! I'm looking forward to learning what's ahead for the rest of 2006!

The items are NOT auto-shipped, and I don't know how they are being distributed to those dealers.
This could be a problem with some collectors. I'm a numbers person, and I'm sure there are others out there that buy all the new pieces whether they like them or not. It may be exciting for the people who "buy what they like" to get a low numbered piece by chance, but it could turn an auto ship buyer into a "maybe I should just buy what I like too" person. I know it's one of those "six of one, half dozen of another" things, but this is not the time to do things to the faithful.

The only reason I keep an auto ship is for the low flag#. If I stop receiving the low flag# then I would probably change my buying habits and cancel my auto ship. I would probably join those folks who save money by buying what they like and start looking for bargains on the secondary market. I personally don't think Harbour Lights wants this scenario to happen to their most reliable collectors.

smile Bob smile