If you are a NELL member attending the HL Regional in St. Augustine...

Posted By: RFoster

If you are a NELL member attending the HL Regional in St. Augustine... - 03/13/04 04:43 PM

If you are a member of NELL attending the Harbour Lights Regional Event in Saint Augusting just send me an email and I will bring a 3-inch button (like the one pictured above) for you
See You at the Regional

(CT Keeper)
Posted By: Shirin

Re: If you are a NELL member attending the HL Regional in St. Augustine... - 03/13/04 05:29 PM

Ron, I hope this is the photo you emailed me about to fix. This was the best I could think of to get your image to show up as a photo and not as a link.

Posted By: RFoster

Re: If you are a NELL member attending the HL Regional in St. Augustine... - 03/13/04 07:14 PM

Thank you Shirin and Dave for the help with fixing my image so those NELL members attending the Regional can see it and send me an email. I have the darndest time with posting images.

I just want to make sure I bring enough buttons so all NELL members can have one to wear at the Saint Augustine lighthouse Festival and Harbour Lights Regional.

Let's all plan to get a group picture near the lighthouse with the NELL banner.

Again, NELL members, remember to send me a quick email that you will be there.

Thanks to all,
(CT Keeper)
Posted By: seagirt

Re: If you are a NELL member attending the HL Regional in St. Augustine... - 03/13/04 09:28 PM

Man, I wish I was coming. Looks like y'all are gonna have alot of fun! Of course, I couldn't make it there in under three days (I don't like flying and would HAVE to see every possible lighthouse between Wilmington and St. Augustine!) and not miss school. I like the button--cool how the lighthouse was merged into the logo, to me signifying how we are bridging the gap from New England to Florida by coming down. The yellow is the rest of the country. laugh

All the best to all the attendees. I want to see the photos!
Posted By: RFoster

Re: If you are a NELL member attending the HL Regional in St. Augustine... - 03/14/04 12:00 AM

Greg, I wish you were able to come to St. Augustine with us. We will take bunches of pictures and will post some for all to see (hopefully I can post them without any help).

I'm glad you like the logo sort of 'hugging' the lantern room of St. Augustine.

What we need to find for you is a tudor who wouldn't mind traveling to lighthouses with you. After all, it is educational. Then you could go to more events and still get your schooling in.

My Best to you
(CT Keeper)
Posted By: seagirt

Re: If you are a NELL member attending the HL Regional in St. Augustine... - 03/14/04 11:32 PM

I LIKE that idea! American History, but better. You can probably learn alot more by driving around the country visiting national parks and historic sites. I could be the On-the-Spot Wacko Reporter...if there is lighthouse news, I'm there...well, maybe a day late...there WAS a Civil War historic site back there...we DO need to stick to curriculum! wink
Posted By: MelJB

Re: If you are a NELL member attending the HL Regional in St. Augustine... - 03/15/04 06:57 AM

Greg, you could combine Civil War and Lighthouses by going to see Old Point Comfort on the Ft Monroe Army post! smile Visit the Casemate Museum located inside the moat. Civil War relics, prison cell where Jefferson Davis was held after the war. No climbing of the light though & the keeper's quarters is now base housing for an officer.
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