Celebrating July 4th with lighthouses

Posted By: Bill Harnsberger

Celebrating July 4th with lighthouses - 07/05/98 03:10 PM

Last night, we discovered a terrific vantage point from which to view Portland, Maine's July 4th fireworks. Not wanting to brave the crowds along the city's Eastern Promenade (the best vantage point), we instead drove across the Fore River to Spring Point, where the Spring Point Lighthouse (a spark plug-type) sits at the end of a 1/8 mile breakwater. What a sight! Here we were, out in Portland Harbor watching the "rocket's red glare," with Spring Point above us and Portland Head Light behind us competing for our attention. The cruise ship "Scotia Prince" cut a striking figure among the smaller pleasure boats as it slipped out of the harbor on its way to Nova Scotia. And in the middle of the Harbor, Fort Gorges, eerily lit by the fireworks, and a poignant reminder of the early defenders of this country. I don't think Norman Rockwell could have painted a more perfect picture.

Did you spend the July 4th festivities in the company of a lighthouse?
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