White River Photos

Posted By: Gary Martin

White River Photos - 01/18/03 10:39 AM

Good morning everyone!

In all liklihood, the majority of the folks are still sacked out getting some ZZZZZZ's, but I decided to stay up and build the White River photo gallery for my website. It's still small and I need to get more photos shot and more scanned from what I already have, but it's a start! Here's the URL to the new gallery:

Hope everyone enjoys it!

Posted By: Bob M

Re: White River Photos - 01/18/03 12:55 PM

Looks good, Gary! I was up at 0400 hours this morning. The temperature here is approaching zero right now, and as soon as the sun starts to rise I would expect it to drop a wee bit lower.

The fire is going in the wood stove and it's really nice and comfortable in the house. This really isn't a day for outdoor activity around here.
Keep up the great work on the galleries!

smile Bob smile
Posted By: Gary Martin

Re: White River Photos - 01/18/03 02:52 PM

Nice to know, Bob, that there are at least some up along with me at those hours of the day!

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