Bellevue Light... finally!

Posted By: Lighthouse Joe

Bellevue Light... finally! - 06/29/04 10:26 PM

After years of driving by the Bellevue light on 495, I finally set aside time to see it from both sides of the river. Getting a shot from across the river was a trick. I had to get permission to enter private property, then climb down a steep bank to the shoreline. Next time I'll dress for it. Tan pans and docksiders are not meant for climbing or hiking.

Then over the bridge to the landfill...

More can be found on my website.
Posted By: Dave H

Re: Bellevue Light... finally! - 06/30/04 01:01 AM


Even though the lantern room details are not as clear, I like the picture from the far side of the river. A much more pleasing view to be sure. Didn't get a picture of yourself after the trip down the bank?
Posted By: Rod Watson

Re: Bellevue Light... finally! - 06/30/04 03:44 AM

Did you happen to notice the new light tower on the opposite side of the landfill? When we visited the lighthouse in 2000, it was still an active aid to navigation and featured a blue lens (see pic below). The landfill was becoming so tall by then, the light was useless as a range light for the northern river traffic. It was mandated that the landfill company must build a new light tower on the opposite side of the property to take over the function of the original light. When we were there, only the foundation of the new light was completed. I assume the new tower is a typical boring modern one, but have not seen any photos of it yet. It's a shame that the original historic tower is no longer functioning as intended.

Bellevue Rear Range Light ca.2000
Posted By: Lighthouse Joe

Re: Bellevue Light... finally! - 06/30/04 02:46 PM

DaveH, No shots of myself. I managed to stay clean and only got my shoes dusty.

Rod, Do you mean this...

Its not much of a lighthouse, is it? How could you build a landfill higher than a lighthouse? Maybe its time to move the old light to the new tower's position and put the beacon back where it belongs.
Posted By: Rod Watson

Re: Bellevue Light... finally! - 06/30/04 06:38 PM

Yep, thats it. Bellevue survived for nearly 100 years guiding ships up and down the river, and it had to be a landfill of all things to end it's tenure! I think I recall a debate on initially moving it to the other side, but was too expensive for the landfill company. So now it will probably rust into oblivion......being that it's on a busy landfill, I doubt tourist dollars will keep it alive (TIC). Maybe preservationists can somehow push some state moneys to get it moved somewhere safe in the future.
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