Some RI Lighthouse Shots

Posted By: David Zapatka

Some RI Lighthouse Shots - 02/28/05 05:59 AM

I'm finally getting around to tring to upload and share some photos with you all. I'm new to these forums, and so far I have really enjoyed all the various lighthouse photos. I have a profound interest in one particular RI lighthouse, that being the Plum Beach Lighthouse. If I'm successful with this upload, I'll share a few of the hundreds I've taken during my involvemnt with it over the past couple of years. In the meantime, here are a few.

I shot the Beavertail Lighthouse just after Christmas 04--we had just had about 5 inches of snow and it was about 10 degrees and quite windy, but I thought ther wouild be some nice pix around. This was shot with a 10mm fisheye.

The Conimicut Lighthouse which was taken about 2 years ago and the tide was quite low, and the 200-400mm lens at full telephoto gave good compression with the birds.

The shot of the Plum Beach Lighthouse was the first anyone had taken after the renovations were done in December 03. Along with the contractor Keith Lescarbeau, we had just removed the temporary dock from the site when my son and I walked out on the Jamestown bridge as golden hour was in full swing. The upper decks were sparkling clean--unlike three weeks later when the cormorants moved in and solied them. Later in 04, we cleaned the decks and put Nixalite, or bars of pins on the railings to deter the birds, and since then the decks and outer walls have remained clean of the bird droppings.

The last shot is the Plum Beach Lighthouse after the '05 Blizzard in January. We had just received 26 inches of snow, but more importantly, the blizzard slammed southern New England with 60-70 mile an hour winds. This was taken on the northeastern side of the light, and the battering from the strom is evident. I got out there by hitching a ride on an oyster farmer's boat that the captain had to smash through the frozen Wickford harbor with.

edited to fix the first image link - Dave
Posted By: Dave H

Re: Some RI Lighthouse Shots - 02/28/05 06:22 AM

The first Plum Beach photo sure does highlight the nice new paint job. However, I really like the sky and overall picture in the second one, from after the blizzard.

With that Nixalite on the railings one sure better watch what they hold onto as the walk around the light!

Thanks for sharing, Dave, and now that you know how to post we will expect to see lots of pics from you!
Posted By: Grover

Re: Some RI Lighthouse Shots - 02/28/05 06:24 AM


They are all good ... That Beavertail shot is sweet. You dont see that angle often.

Thanks for sharing.

Posted By: Bob M

Re: Some RI Lighthouse Shots - 02/28/05 01:15 PM

Great pics! Thanks for sharing them with us.

smile Bob smile
Posted By: Lorie Roe

Re: Some RI Lighthouse Shots - 03/01/05 07:23 AM

Very nice Dave. smile I love the shot with the ice on the lighthouse. Most of my lighthouse travels are during the warm season so I have never seen one with ice.
Posted By: Beaconfollower

Re: Some RI Lighthouse Shots - 03/02/05 01:22 AM

Really nice job, Dave. Keep them coming. smile
Posted By: Jenifer Selwa

Re: Some RI Lighthouse Shots - 03/03/05 01:31 AM

Dave, welcome to the forums! Thanks also for sharing your wonderful images. I love looking at winter lighthouse shots, and I am also glad we have another contributor who likes to brave the cold to get out there and share the results. Keep 'em coming!
Posted By: Ned F

Re: Some RI Lighthouse Shots - 03/03/05 06:56 AM

Nice job! It looks incredibly cold there. I'm not sure how those gulls can stand it! Here in Oregon we have had spring like weather for 3 weeks!
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