Wish, I could decide, where to go from here!

Posted By: Karen Smith

Wish, I could decide, where to go from here! - 11/08/99 05:33 AM

I have Harbour Lights Lighthouses, at the end of an Hallway, in my Den! Where do I go from here!
1. Choice, to go back to the Spare Bedroom and start stacking them in alphabetical order.
2. Move the Furniture in the Living Room
to the center of the room. Then have shelves made to cover 1 complete wall.
3. Sell the Furniture in the Living Room and
have a Custom Library made in the Living Room, to display Harbour Lights.
4. Sell the 2600 Square Foot Home and Buy a Larger Home!
5. Build a Large Addition on the back of the House.
6. None of the above.
7. Wait and see what Bill Younger and Harbour Lights plans to do next year, and the next year, then decide!
8. The Garage? But, where would I put the Harbour Lights Boxes?
9. Back to number 7.
Karen :-)
Posted By: Bob M

Re: Wish, I could decide, where to go from here! - 11/08/99 02:01 PM

You will find a problem as your collection gets larger, "What do I do with all these HLs?"

You utilize what ever safe display places you have such as book shelves, curios, or any other flat space that poses no danger to the HL. When you run out of space, you run out of space. There is nothing you can do unless you put on an addition (I did) or buy a larger home (I'm not about to do that).

There is an option for display, rotate your stock. You know, every month or so put some back in the boxes and replace them on display with new pieces. A good time to do this is when you're cleaning your curio or whatever.

By doing this your display changes on a regular basis which in turn generates more interest in your display. Try it!...You'll like it!

Posted By: Joanne

Re: Wish, I could decide, where to go from here! - 11/08/99 06:28 PM

I started out planning to buy a few lighthouse pictures for my den. Then I bought a 28x36 lighthouse print which was too big for the den so I put it in the living room. Then I bought a six HL's at one time. Where to put them in the den? No place safe, so they went into the living room. Then I bought a 24 x 48 lighthouse oil painting. Had to move the print for the oil painting, put print in dining area. Bought about twenty more HL's. Had to buy a curio cabinet and got rid of a chair.

To make a long story short - I have my living room, dining area, kitchen and spare bathroom in lighthouses. I'm considering getting a bigger house in two years, if I can wait that long. The priority I will be looking for is lots of wall space.

Posted By: rscroope

Re: Wish, I could decide, where to go from here! - 11/08/99 09:00 PM

If you keep buying all those HLs, you'll never be able to afford the bigger house! LOL
Posted By: Joanne

Re: Wish, I could decide, where to go from here! - 11/09/99 02:01 AM

You've got a point Bob.

It's like what came first, the chicken or the egg? Do I not buy HLs and have enough money to buy a new house or do I buy HL and not have a place to display them? Oh what the heck, my bedroom is still available. ah - let me change that to lighthouse free.


[This message has been edited by Joanne (edited 11-10-99).]
Posted By: Bob M

Re: Wish, I could decide, where to go from here! - 11/09/99 03:30 AM

Joanne, ... Do whatever your budget allows and what makes you happy!

Posted By: Digger

Re: Wish, I could decide, where to go from here! - 11/09/99 03:47 AM

There's always the ever-popular "Catacombs"
Posted By: LamarB

Re: Wish, I could decide, where to go from here! - 11/09/99 05:40 PM

That's an ingenious idea Digger. Each HL sculpture could have it's own niche!
Posted By: JTimothyA

Re: Wish, I could decide, where to go from here! - 11/10/99 04:30 AM

You could rent them out (insured) to Bed & Breakfasts in your area.

Loan them to local schools, libraries, or museums to put in display cases.

Put them on the deck of the rear window in your car. :-)

Posted By: LamarB

Re: Wish, I could decide, where to go from here! - 11/10/99 08:18 PM

Tim, if you put them in the back window of your car, wouldn't you have to display yellow signs with black letters saying "Drive Safely - Harbour Lights On Board"?
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