Gay Head, Martha's Vineyard

Posted By: Lorraine Healy

Gay Head, Martha's Vineyard - 05/18/98 11:27 PM

I'd like to see Harbour Lights do Gay Head. It's a beautiful red brick light that sits on the desolate red cliffs of Gay Head high above the sea. WOW!
Posted By: Rod Watson

Re: Gay Head, Martha's Vineyard - 07/04/98 04:38 PM

Looks like you got your wish, Lorraine! I too was looking forward to HL making this light. Of all the lighthouses I have been to, I would most definately say that Gays Head has the most dramatic setting. (I have never been to Split Rock yet)

Its too bad that the keepers dwelling could not have been maintained through the years. Old post cards and the HL sculpture show off the wonderful Architecture that once existed.

Walking the beach below the cliffs is a must for anyone who travels to the light. I felt like I was in the "Dark Shadows" TV show intro with the waves crashing in on a windy fall day.


[This message has been edited by Rod Watson.]
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