Name The Flame Game #15 2002 - Round 1

Posted By: Pharologst

Name The Flame Game #15 2002 - Round 1 - 04/25/02 11:35 PM


The NTFG format is being modified slightly for the future .
The NTFG will be played in three rounds during the year, Jan thru April, May thru Sept, and Oct thru Dec. Winners (prizes?) will be declared at the end of each round. Therefore, with the conclusion of this weeks game (4/25/2002), the first round of 2002 will also be concluded, and winners declared. Scoring will also be modified beginning with next weeks 2nd round, and will be explained at that time. Larry will obviously be the first place winner this round, so the battle this week is for second, third, etc! ! Maybe Larry will pass this week and let the ‘battle’ ensue in the lower standings!

Below is today's Light picture to be named.
Here’s a brief list of guidelines that will be used.
1. Every Thursday (usually in PM EST) a new light will be presented, barring problems.
2. The light may be from anywhere in the world.
3. Request that we limit guesses to 1/person/day
4. A hint may be provided every day starting on the 2nd day.
5.I will keep/post the running scores, scoring will be by points assigned for difficulty (1-5).
6. Post your guesses to this thread.

7. Your input (please!) with photos ENCOURAGED appreciated, and acknowledged when used.

8. Rate this a 4.

Download this week's first game: CLICK HERE

Once you have downloaded the game, just doubleclick on the exe file and start the STANDALONE VERSION. Remember, that solving the puzzle isn't by any means the end - you've got to use the completed puzzle as clues to figure which LH it is.
But of course, you can't win the game until you solve the jigsaw puzzle.
Right click on puzzle pieces to rotate them. Move them together and if you are right, they will stick together.

Current scores:
Larry -42
DMancini - 17
Randy Kremer – 14
T&J Abbott - 9
Mombo - 7
Sweetpshirin - 3
Lightseeker -2
pharologst -0

There will be a second game this week starting after completion of part one, or tomorrow whichever is later.

Posted By: Larry

Re: Name The Flame Game #15 2002 - Round 1 - 04/25/02 11:56 PM

OOH, OOH, I know the answer....but I'll defer to George's wishes and sit out this week.

Good Luck to all!
Posted By: Randy Kremer

Re: Name The Flame Game #15 2002 - Round 1 - 04/25/02 11:58 PM

Is it Scotch Cap - Alaska?
Posted By: Larry

Re: Name The Flame Game #15 2002 - Round 1 - 04/26/02 12:02 AM

What gave it away Randy?
Posted By: Randy Kremer

Re: Name The Flame Game #15 2002 - Round 1 - 04/26/02 12:05 AM

Thanks for not guessing Larry! I remember seeing a picture of it in a book and well, you know! (LOL)
Posted By: Pharologst

Re: Name The Flame Game #15 2002 - Round 1 - 04/26/02 03:11 AM


[This message has been edited by pharologst (edited 04-25-2002).]
Posted By: Pharologst

Re: Name The Flame Game #15 2002 - Round 1 - 04/26/02 03:11 AM

Randy scores 4 points, and is on the move !!

The 1903 version ! Photo from the US Coast Guard

Current scores:
Larry -42
Randy Kremer – 18
DMancini - 17
T&J Abbott - 9
Mombo - 7
Sweetpshirin - 3
Lightseeker -2
pharologst -0

Now for part 2: CLICK FOR PART TWO
3 points

[This message has been edited by pharologst (edited 04-25-2002).]

[This message has been edited by pharologst (edited 04-25-2002).]
Posted By: DMancini

Re: Name The Flame Game #15 2002 - Round 1 - 04/26/02 03:38 AM

Ashtabula Lighthouse, Ohio
Posted By: Pharologst

Re: Name The Flame Game #15 2002 - Round 1 - 04/26/02 02:59 PM

Three points to Dmancini for Ashtabula Lighthouse!!

Final scores for 2002 Round 1:
Larry -42
DMancini - 20
Randy Kremer – 18

T&J Abbott - 9
Mombo - 7
Sweetpshirin - 3
Lightseeker -2
pharologst -0

Remember next week begins afresh with round 2 and some format changes.

Scoring will now be based upon when you get the answer with multiple people able to score. You will no longer post your answer, but rather email me with your guess. For instance, on a five point puzzle the following will be awarded:

1st- 5 points
2nd- 4 points
3rd- 3 points
4th- 2 points
5th- 1 point on a four pointer only 4 levels of points, 3 pointer 3 levels of points, etc. I will announce who has been awarded points, but will not post the answer until all points have been awarded. Hopefully this new format may help spur interest in participating even though a correct answer has bee given by another participant.
Hope you all enjoy the new format, and I welcome comments for improvement.


[This message has been edited by pharologst (edited 04-26-2002).]
Posted By: Randy Kremer

Re: Name The Flame Game #15 2002 - Round 1 - 04/26/02 06:44 PM

Sounds great George! Can't wait till next Thursday!
Posted By: Larry

Re: Name The Flame Game #15 2002 - Round 1 - 04/26/02 06:53 PM

I like the new scoring system. It should make things interesting.

Keep up the great work George. You provide us with hours of fun, and pique our interest in lights we otherwise may not know anything about.
Posted By: Pharologst

Re: Name The Flame Game #15 2002 - Round 1 - 04/27/02 12:14 AM

Thanks guys & gals, I only hope you get as much enjoyment as i do providing them. You'd be surprised how much you can learn when "looking" for a candidiate light to use!!!


[This message has been edited by pharologst (edited 04-26-2002).]
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