Hurray Hurray Cape Hatteras LE - Green Tip

Posted By: rscroope

Hurray Hurray Cape Hatteras LE - Green Tip - 04/25/00 01:54 PM

On Ebay starting at $4K.
3 digit, green tip, MINT!

[This message has been edited by rscroope (edited 04-25-2000).]
Posted By: Medicman

Re: Hurray Hurray Cape Hatteras LE - Green Tip - 04/25/00 02:48 PM

$4,000??? I couldn't afford it if it was 4 hundred
my pocketbook says to be happy with my CH GLOW and LLOM of it that we have... and the bank won't let me take out a loan for it.

But I'm happy with the ones I have.
Posted By: Deb Weissler

Re: Hurray Hurray Cape Hatteras LE - Green Tip - 04/25/00 04:15 PM

And not even a credit card allowed - I'll never own this one unless I win the lottery!!
Posted By: Rusty

Re: Hurray Hurray Cape Hatteras LE - Green Tip - 04/26/00 01:07 AM

Unbelievable! And no picture? Far beyond my imagination.

Posted By: Troy

Re: Hurray Hurray Cape Hatteras LE - Green Tip - 04/26/00 07:24 PM

I'm with Deb - I'd have to hit the big one to get my hands on this baby. Let's face it, these gems aren't getting any easier to come across. And, at 80% market value, I may just take up a collection!! I suspect the price will only increase come fall. Maybe not.

[This message has been edited by Troy (edited 04-26-2000).]
Posted By: Rock

Re: Hurray Hurray Cape Hatteras LE - Green Tip - 04/26/00 09:22 PM

Believe it or not, if I had the money, I'd buy it...that's how WACKO I am...
Posted By: Rrronne

Re: Hurray Hurray Cape Hatteras LE - Green Tip - 04/26/00 10:52 PM

A picture sure would be nice, but if I had the funds, I would go for it.

Randall Ronne
Posted By: Troy

Re: Hurray Hurray Cape Hatteras LE - Green Tip - 04/26/00 11:06 PM

A picture would be nice. But is it really necessary? I would think any serious party would get hold of the seller and work all that out...I don't know. After all, it doesn't look like this one is for the squeemish. I'M GOING FOR IT! (...and then Troy's alarm clock went off and it was time to wipe the sleepies from his eyes and face another day of reality...)
Posted By: DANIEL

Re: Hurray Hurray Cape Hatteras LE - Green Tip - 04/27/00 01:17 AM

I think Younger and Associates should buy it and display it at the Atlanta and Rosemont 2000. It also could be displayed at regional events and reunions.
I was every disappointed when I went to the Atlanta regional event and saw that the complete collection of Harbour lights were not on display.

Do you hear me Bill and Kim?

Posted By: Torchbearer

Re: Hurray Hurray Cape Hatteras LE - Green Tip - 04/27/00 02:07 AM

Well, let's see... I can take a second mortgage out on my house; sell blood to the blood bank for the next 30 years or so; farm the kids out for slave labor...

Tim - Keeping the flame lit...
Posted By: mombo

Re: Hurray Hurray Cape Hatteras LE - Green Tip - 04/27/00 02:19 AM

Ok, maybe I should know this but what does "green tip" mean?
Posted By: Nana

Re: Hurray Hurray Cape Hatteras LE - Green Tip - 04/27/00 02:52 AM

Maybe this is when a group of us should pool our monies and buy shares in this piece. We can make up a schedule and send it from sharer to sharer for a certain period of time. I'll be glad to be the first keeper of this flame. Any takers?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Hurray Hurray Cape Hatteras LE - Green Tip - 04/27/00 03:27 AM

Hmmm.... interesting idea, pooling our money then having it like a time share condo.

Hey Art which would you rather have for a day, a original hatteras or the Stanley Cup ?
Posted By: WackoPaul

Re: Hurray Hurray Cape Hatteras LE - Green Tip - 04/27/00 04:30 AM

I have a better idea Nana, we all pool our funds and buy the Hatteras. Then I put it in "The Cabinet" and everybody that contributes can come to the Midwest Harbour Lights Museum and not only gets to dust the Hatteras but spend some quality time with the Bradys and the rest of the Museum including the twins.

SaintWackoPaul '
Keep the Flame
Posted By: Bob M

Re: Hurray Hurray Cape Hatteras LE - Green Tip - 04/27/00 01:23 PM

I guess we will all be jumping right on that one! Well...maybe...if I win the 100 million dollars in the Mass. Lottery Big Cash Game this week. If I win, maybe I'll have all of you over to view it.

Posted By: Art

Re: Hurray Hurray Cape Hatteras LE - Green Tip - 04/27/00 05:51 PM

Hey Art which would you rather have for a day, a original hatteras or the Stanley Cup ?

For just a day? I'll take the $4,000.00.

Hey Nana, I proposed the same thing about 1-1/2 years ago in the chat room about a time share for a Coquille. I am still keeping the sign-up sheet active if you're interested, but it's a very, very short list. Hope you have greater success.

Posted By: Troy

Re: Hurray Hurray Cape Hatteras LE - Green Tip - 04/27/00 07:14 PM

Man, that seems like an awful lot of money. Are these "Groanbook" or CVG prices really that accurate? I mean, here we've got the greatest chat room, with the greatest lighthouse afficianados, and no one can even get close to paying something like $4K for the "holy grail" of HL collectibles!
Posted By: Jeff

Re: Hurray Hurray Cape Hatteras LE - Green Tip - 04/27/00 10:48 PM

What if your ship came in and you could chose between a white tip or green tip CH1?

Originally posted by Art:
For just a day? I'll take the $4,000.00.

Hey Nana, I proposed the same thing about 1-1/2 years ago in the chat room about a time share for a Coquille. I am still keeping the sign-up sheet active if you're interested, but it's a very, very short list. Hope you have greater success.

Posted By: Rock

Re: Hurray Hurray Cape Hatteras LE - Green Tip - 04/27/00 11:43 PM

Mombo, the original Hatteras (and revised version, I believe) had a variation in the color of the ventilator ball on top of the lantern room...some were black, some were dark green, and a few were even white.

[This message has been edited by Rock (edited 04-27-2000).]
Posted By: Webmaster

Re: Hurray Hurray Cape Hatteras LE - Green Tip - 04/28/00 12:54 AM

Just white and dark, dark green. No black ventilator balls. If you own a CH2 - it's the same dark, dark green on the roof of the lantern room.

Re: Hurray Hurray Cape Hatteras LE - Green Tip - 04/29/00 08:36 AM


[This message has been edited by TERRY BARFIELD (edited 04-29-2000).]
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