My introduction-

Posted By: Backdraft

My introduction- - 12/16/02 04:45 PM

Hi everyone. My name is Gary, I am 27, married and have a 20 month old son. I live in Central New Jersey, work in the computer field and I am also a Volunteer Fire Lieutenant. I have had a love of lighthouses for a long time, but just recently started collecting HL. I am working on collecting the NJ ones first, and then branching out to other states. I look forward to talking to all of you!
Posted By: MtnHkr

Re: My introduction- - 12/16/02 05:12 PM

Welcome Gary!

When I saw your Displayed Name I thought you might be with the Fire Profession. I'm a retired Police officer and have many relatives in the fire and police profession. BACKDRAFT is a catchy nam. I like it.

Hopefully we'll hear a lot from you. THe forums are a great place to share our common love of lighthouses. It is also a great place to get information. Someone, somwhere will answer almost any question we can come up with.

Again welcome and Happy holidays to you and your family, especially that 20 month old son of yours. My kids are all grown up and I have a 5 year old grandaughter and I love her to pieces..

Bert smile
Posted By: Backdraft

Re: My introduction- - 12/16/02 05:55 PM

Thanks Bert, I hope to learn alot... Right now, I am on the hunt to catch up on my Jersey collection, and the hardest part of that is going to be Navesink, which also happens to be my favorite lighthouse.
Posted By: Webmaster

Re: My introduction- - 12/16/02 07:48 PM

Welcome to the CF, Gary...

Glad you also made it to last week's chat. You'll find this a friendly place with lots of knowledgeable members who are willing to share information about Harbour Lights and Lighthouses.
Posted By: JJ

Re: My introduction- - 12/16/02 10:05 PM

My welcome to the CF is also extended Gary. We have at least 2 professional fire fighters in our ranks and we hope you enjoy your visits with us. I also have an extra Navesink, if you would like to discuss it you can e-mail me. Welcome again...Jim
Posted By: wheland

Re: My introduction- - 12/16/02 10:16 PM


Glad to have another NJ Lighthouse enthusiast here. I'm kinda partial to Sandy Hook since I'm a I've been a volunteer there, but I like Navesink also- it reminds me of where I used to work before it was remodeled- Trenton State Prison.

Are you a member of the NJ Lighthouse Society yet? Here's the website in case your interested

We just had our Winter Meeting at Tucker's Island on 12-7. Next meeting is yet to be announced, but keep checking the site.

Jim will take good care of you in your search. you'll find that we are a helpful lot here, but a sense of humor is needed.

Posted By: Shirin

Re: My introduction- - 12/16/02 11:15 PM

Welcome Gary!!! Dennis already beat me to the New Jersey Lighthouse Society and Sandy Hook volunteer bit so I'll be brief here. But I'm glad to see another person about my age into lighthouses out there. Hope to hear more from ya soon.

Posted By: Backdraft

Re: My introduction- - 12/16/02 11:39 PM

Thank you all for the welcome. I will definitely check out the NJ lighthouse society. As for the Navesink piece, I will shoot you an email. I have a few more local resources to exhaust, and then I have to turn to alternative sources... Look forward to talking to you all again!
Posted By: flacoastie

Re: My introduction- - 12/17/02 02:49 AM

Welcome to the Forums from the Great State of Florida. It is nice to have you join us. Looking forward to your posts. If you need any help you will surely find it here.

Rich cool
Posted By: Tammy Wolfe

Re: My introduction- - 12/17/02 04:27 AM


When I saw your displayed name, I, too, had wondered if you were in the fire fighting profession. I also work in the computer field, supervising a staff of help desk and micro computer analysts. But my passions are lighthouse, gardening and wildlife.

Welcome to the Collectors Forum. I'm sure you'll find everyone as friendly and helpful as I do. I look forward to hearing about the lights you've visited and collected.

Posted By: Bob M

Re: My introduction- - 12/17/02 05:25 AM

Welcome aboard, Gary! This is a great place to find out everything you could possibly want to know about Harbour Lights and real lighthouses. I'll look forward to seeing you visit often.

smile Bob smile

Re: My introduction- - 12/20/02 04:13 AM

Hi Gary and welcome. I think you`ll find out quickly about branching out. It happens to us all. smile
Posted By: RezmanDale

Re: My introduction- - 12/20/02 04:46 AM

Hi Gary,

Glad you ahve joined us. I am looking forward to reading your posts. Always good to have freah ideas so post often!!!

Posted By: MelJB

Re: My introduction- - 12/23/02 12:50 AM


Welcome, Welcome, Welcome smile

Posted By: lhlover

Re: My introduction- - 12/25/02 06:06 PM

Welcome Gary! It's great to have someone else my age here on the forums. I always feel like the baby of the group, so it's great to have someone close to your age that you can relate to. smile Plus, now I'm not the baby - you're younger than me. :p Before you know it, my birthday will be here and I'll be older than I ever though I would be. It's funny how when you are a kid you look forward to turning 18 to become an adult, at 18 you look forward to turning 21 so you can drink. After 21 you wish the years would slow down or stop . I can't believe that I'm almost 28 - I almost laughed in the bouncer's face the other day at the Casino when he asked me my age!

Anyways, welcome! We look forward to having you join us in our discussions and a sense of humor definitely helps around here. laugh

P.S. My friend just bought the Twins on eBay for $150.00! You may want to look there in your search. Why pay full price if you can get it at a steel! smile
Posted By: RFoster

Re: My introduction- - 12/31/02 07:23 PM

Welcome to the Collector Forums Gary. You live in a state that really cares about it's lighthouses and supports their preservation. MJ, my wife, Lexis our seven year old granddaughter, and I did the New Jersey Lighthouse Challenge this year. It took us two days and we really enjoyed it. I look forward to your future posts here.

(CT Keeper)
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