New England Regional Reports

Posted By: JJ

New England Regional Reports - 10/29/01 01:37 AM

We got back this afternoon from our journey to the Regional event in Branford and some excellent lighthousing in RI and CT. As you can tell, Bob was a bit excited about the drawing for the gold. Mike did take lots of pictures and I am sure that he will post them as soon as he gets a chance. Had a super time, and as everyone else has said, Thanks Harbour Lights and Bill and Nancy for a great afternoon. Thanks to everyone else who bought chances for our upcoming raffles.
Posted By: WackoPaul

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/29/01 02:11 AM

The earlier comments on the regional....

New England Regional Event
Posted By: Kaiz

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/29/01 03:03 AM

Just arrived home a little while ago and wanted to thank my buddy, JJ for another fine time. Also THANKS to Bill and Nancy and to everyone who contributed to our club's upcoming raffles.
Here is a picture of the Five lucky winners, the only one I know is Lorna McKeon but congratulations to ALL:


Even though Jim, Ken, Sean and myself did manage to attend 3 out of the 4 regionals and returned empty handed, one good thing about making these journeys is sometimes you get to see this:


Jim and I hope to see you at the next one!
Posted By: RFoster

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/29/01 03:37 AM

Nice Photos Mike. It was great to see all of you at the Regional and I look forward to seeing more pictures posted here (since I didn't have my camera with me). Great shot of Point Judith!!!

"Keeping The Flame Alive in New England"

[This message has been edited by RFoster (edited 10-28-2001).]
Posted By: Nana

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/29/01 04:25 AM

Thanks Mike for the photos...I know you all had a great time...
Posted By: mghusge

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/29/01 04:41 AM

Mike, what a great photo.

Mike & Nettie
Posted By: mombo

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/29/01 04:46 AM

Glad you got your photo Mike! It's a beauty.

I.O. and I had a nice time at the Regional.
We drove down Sat. am from S. Windsor and caught the lights in New Haven before arriving at the event. Despite forgetting one bag at home that contained such trivial things as the directions we managed to find it. The bag also contained a few of the smaller items I'd hoped to have signed as well as our name badges but, although we missed a few, we managed to connect with some wackos I hadn't met and reconnect with those I had. Although we didn't have luck with the "Gold" I did win a Limited Edition HL during one of the drawings. Although it was one I already had, my luck continued as another lucky attendee also won a light he had and we made a swap.

We wackos gathered outside the Elks Club for a photo with Bill and Nancy. Several cameras were used including mine so hopefully we can get a photo posted before long.

I.O. and I overnighted Saturday in Groton. This morning we drove up as far as Watch Hill, R.I. light and worked our way back to Saybrook (Fenwick) before heading for home. All told I think we saw around 12 lights including a distant view of Montauk Point through binoculars from the lantern room at Stonington.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/29/01 05:04 AM

Looking at the picture of the 5 winners, I see the man and the woman on the right have the same shirt and he has his arm around her, Is it possible that against high odds that another husband/wife or BF/GF combo have doubled up on gold again ??

Congratulations Lorna, did Bob offer to wash dishes more often on the way home?
Posted By: Chesapeake Bryan

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/29/01 05:28 AM

Good eye Mark. Another husband/wife combo did indeed double up and win 2(!) Gold Cape St. George's.
Posted By: Kaiz

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/29/01 05:28 AM

Yes Mark, believe it or not, another husband and wife team did come home with the GOLD!
Posted By: Bob M

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/29/01 12:45 PM

Hey Kaiz, ...You were up nice and early to get that picture at Point Judith. You even got a tugboat with barge in tow. Thanks for posting the great pictures!

Posted By: rscroope

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/29/01 03:10 PM

Looking at these reports, I see I missed meeting several Wackos and IO. Maybe we talked but didn't exchange names? I definitely was not introduced to IO, and I think I missed the Kaizs' again(I'm sure when I see the picture you'll be right next to me - LOL!). Kristin and I were busy at our club table so we didn't get to circulate as much as we would have liked. If I missed you, I apologize - my loss. I should have had a Collected Connector ID (right Dave?). We did meet lots of great people including a guy who has a door that he was told came from the Lightship Ambrose. Lots of people and time flew by quickly. No luck on drawings. Can you believe another husband and wife winning the golden child? What are the odds? Bill and Nancy were great as ever!

[This message has been edited by rscroope (edited 10-29-2001).]
Posted By: BGBaccaro

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/29/01 05:38 PM

It's pretty obvious that Bob and Lorna were on "Cloud Nine" after winning that golden beauty, but Bob didn't tell the whole story...At Ron Foster's suggestion, Bob and Lorna, along with Dave and Pat McGone, and Rachele and I went to the "Chowder Hut" for a fantastic dinner (thanks for that great recommendation, Ron). Here's what Bob didn't tell: Lorna refused to part with her winning piece and brought it to dinner NEVER once removing her hand from it. The rest of us huddled and tried to figure out how to heist it, but we figured Bob (behind that ear-to-ear grin) would be armed and VERY dangerous, so we changed our minds.

Congrats again, Bob and Lorna....nice to see friends win!

Posted By: MrsTLC

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/29/01 07:21 PM

Sue, "Despite forgetting one bag" is this what we call a "senior moment!" Terry and I have had a few of those... Glad you enjoyed your trip... Congrats to all who won "Goldie." Terry let's me look at his(Goldie) but still not allowed to touch it Great pic's Mike...sounds like everyone had a great time.

Posted By: JCRice

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/29/01 10:30 PM

I had a great time at my first regional. I didn't have a chance to meet any of WACKOS (outside of shaking Jim Johnson's hand before signing the card) but I know I saw quite a few of you (Shirin, Ron Foster, Kristin S. come to mind). I was waiting for an opportunity to introduce myself...but I unfortunately ran out of time (I got there a little late and I had to leave at 2:30 to go to a Halloween party in PA of all things ...). Talk about your HORRIBLE timing...missed most of the drawings (including the "goldies") and the picture taking but at least I got to spend about an hour with you all.

Next time, I will definitely plan on being there the entire time and I promise that I won't be so shy...
Posted By: Lightseeker

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/30/01 12:51 AM

I had a great time at my first regional, especially meeting some of the people with whom I've shared correspondence on these forums. Most of the "Connected Collectors" assembled on the front steps for some pictures with the Youngers, including this one:


Bob Scroope is front, right, in red shirt. Kristin Erin Scroope is next to him, and Susan LeFever(Mombo) is over his shoulder. Lorna McKeon is on the left in the grey blazer. Bob McKeon was there a minute earlier, but I don't see him in the picture. I met several others, but I'm not sure I would put the right names with the right faces, so how about you guys helping out with the rest of the ID's. Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm the one in the blue shirt, top row toward the middle.

Also, thanks to the nice lady who took the picture with my camera. Good job!


[This message has been edited by Lightseeker (edited 10-29-2001).]
Posted By: G&N Keil

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/30/01 02:49 AM

This was our first regional event and our first time at the Chowder Hut where we sat across from a still glowing Bob and Lorna. Congratulations on your win of the gold! We had no idea what to expect (although after the Reunion, we should have known that the time could be only the best because the best people are HL collectors). Right inside the door, we saw familiar faces of NELL members well met at the Reunion and almost immediately saw Melonie and Gary Vebber whom we had met at dinner Saturday night in Baltimore. What a terrific group of people. Thank you all for your kindness to us new collectors. Kaiz: thanks for the Pharos lead; we are now the proud owners of that set. Garry and look forward to seeing you all at future events.

Posted By: Shirin

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/30/01 02:53 AM

I'm in the front left with the American flag sweater on in the picture above.

This was my first Harbour Lights event.
It was great to finally put some faces and names together.

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/30/01 03:16 AM

What a great looking (and happy) group. I bet we can get enough group shots to put names to all our faces. Thanks for the pics.

Posted By: Webmaster

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/30/01 03:24 AM

The three guys in yellow shirts - back row of the three Ken Reese and Jim Johnson. In front of JJ is Mike Kaiser.

Those two people seated in the front row are Nancy and Bill Younger.
Posted By: Dave H

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/30/01 04:05 AM

Originally posted by G&N Keil:
... still glowing Bob and Lorna.

Lorna's St. George is actually a GLOW??? Oh no, how could this be?????

Bruce, since Lorna does not appear to be holding "goldie" perhaps Bob was somewhere guarding it?? (or trying to figure out how to acquire it for himself.)

Glad you all had a good time. LI Bob, those name badges will be handy at lots of future events! When we have a GL mini reunion in June, maybe we can look at doing some more.

Posted By: mombo

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/30/01 05:03 AM

Front row second person is Carol Z. (I hope.)
On Bill's right is Donna (Dedo). Second row first person is Lucky Lorna McKeon. The Mariners' fan is Chesapeake Bryan. Back row third beard from the left is Ron Foster.
Posted By: DeDo

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/30/01 05:53 AM

My first Regional, after the scare that I was in Branford & not going to find it, all went well. Thoroughly enjoyed meeting more of the Wackos and touching base previously met collectors. Smaller group of people definitely allowed a chance to meet more people. But without name tags I see there were Forum people there that I didn't realize or know who they were.

John was right, the three hours flew by, with hardly enough time to chat with everyone. Finally met my postcard buddy Bob M. & his great wife Lorna. They were at the Reunion but we never met. Also met Shirin for the first time who lives about 20 minutes north of me. Bruce Baccaro (Bruce is in the navy sweatshirt to the right of Lorna, 2nd row)& his wife Rachel, were also at the Reunion but our paths crossed for the first time in Branford. Met Mombo's I.O., and guess what, he hails from my birthplace, Yonkers, NY. we had fun talking about the old city.

It was great to see Bob & Lorna pull in the prizes! Next year's Regional will definitely be on my calendar!

Posted By: MtnHkr

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/30/01 04:15 PM

Sharon and I also had a great time at our first regional, actually our first event. Met many new friends and members of the Harbor Lights Family. I'm in the third row, far left in the blue stripped shirt.

Bert MtnHkr

[This message has been edited by MtnHkr (edited 10-30-2001).]
Posted By: CarolZ

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/30/01 06:14 PM

This was my first regional event also. I was glad I made the three hour trip to see some of my NELL friends and to meet many new HL collectors. I was happy that I was able to see the NY Skyline piece and order one from Nancy. It's very sombering to think that this was made before the whole Sept. 11th tragedy.
Thanks to everyone behind the scenes who put the event together. And thank you Bill and Nancy for always entertaining us. Happy Anniversary to both of you! And many more!
Posted By: RFoster

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/30/01 08:21 PM

Top Row on the right is Lighthouse Bear (Brian Anderson) with the beard, blue shirt and NELL cap. In front of Brian is another NELL member Herb Carpenter (maroon sweatshirt) from Concord, NH. You are right Sue, I am in the last row (second beard from the right) between Jim Johnson & Ken Reese (who were kind enough to lend their shoulders to support me).

"Keeping The Flame Alive in New England"

[This message has been edited by RFoster (edited 10-30-2001).]
Posted By: JJ

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/30/01 11:21 PM

That's ok Ron, as they used to say, "He ain't heavy, he's my brother". I am glad that you were able to get out of the hospital in time to make it there. I am only surprised that MJ, knowing you as well as she does, didn't bring your camera along to the hospital when she came to pick you up.
Posted By: Lightseeker

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/31/01 12:48 AM


OK, gang, we're almost there. If you four unidentified are not in the witness protection program, step up and be accounted for. Then those of us who have senior moments can print this to use as a cheat sheet at the next regional.

I name-tagged those folks sitting down, even though I've never actually seen a post on these forums from either one


Edited to add Bob Kaiser's name.

[This message has been edited by Lightseeker (edited 11-05-2001).]
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/31/01 01:23 AM

nevermind, was going to add a picture with names

[This message has been edited by Mark Wagner (edited 10-30-2001).]
Posted By: Webmaster

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/31/01 01:31 AM

Nice job Lightseeker --

Great minds work alike, Mark. I was gonna do the same.
Posted By: RFoster

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/31/01 05:22 AM


[This message has been edited by RFoster (edited 11-01-2001).]
Posted By: Bob M

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/31/01 12:15 PM

Looks like I picked the wrong time to step out of the picture to take a picture. I'm on a day off today and will probably bring my films over to the pharmacy so they can send them out for developing. Then if I can figure out how to post the pics, you'll see a few more photos of the great time we had at the regional.


[This message has been edited by Bob M (edited 10-31-2001).]
Posted By: Digger

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/31/01 01:09 PM

Gold, gold everywhere!!! All I found at the end of my rainbow was Skittles!!!
Posted By: Bob M

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/31/01 02:35 PM

Hey Digger, ...Out of the whole group of wackos, you probably have the best chance of finding buried treasure. Can you dig it?

Posted By: Lightseeker

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/31/01 04:45 PM

Apologies to Ken and Jim. The picture is now fixed.

Posted By: Bob M

Re: New England Regional Reports - 10/31/01 10:56 PM

Hey Digger,...if you find one of these while excavating, don't throw it away....

Posted By: Dave H

Re: New England Regional Reports - 11/01/01 12:44 AM


Does Lorna know you are messing around with HER light????????

Posted By: Bob M

Re: New England Regional Reports - 11/01/01 02:57 AM

I waited until she went to work, Dave. I'm allowed to view it in the main curio anytime, but I can only have private visitations with her written permission (lol).

Posted By: cclighthousebuff

Re: New England Regional Reports - 11/03/01 04:17 AM

I'm in the Lighthouse Protection Program. As part of my deal, I promised not to hang out with Wackos. But I got caught!! I'm back row extreme left. I think I'll select a name that won't attract attention... I'll call myself "Kaiser", Bob that is. Regards to all.
Posted By: Lightseeker

Re: New England Regional Reports - 11/06/01 01:21 AM

Welcome, Bob. I've added your name to the group picture above. Now you may get Robert Stack showing up at your door. Does he still do that?

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