Harbour Lights Generosity at West Regional

Posted By: RezmanDale

Harbour Lights Generosity at West Regional - 09/11/02 10:09 AM

I have to say that I was pleasently surprised at the generosity of Harbour Lights at the West (Fall) Regional.I had heard they were a very generous business but I had no idea just how much so. In addition to the 5 Golds, Bill gave away several LE's, including an Old St. Augustine, Glows, T-shirts, and many, many thumbnails to the kids.

Though I didn't win any of the raffles or door prises, I did go away with a regional pin for myself and my wife and 4 kids and a few wacko friends and a thumbnail of hooper strait for WildChild. That added to the feeling that Harbour Lights wants us to feel as though we were really winners just for being there. It worked for me!

They also had a great spread to munch on while we visited and heard from Bill and the different groups that were there. All for free! I eagerly look forward to the next event and will make every effort to be there.

Topping it off was meeting some very nice, friendly, Saints and wackos too. All in all a great experience.

Thanks Harbour Lights!

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