Seaside Heights, NJ

Posted By: btmfdr

Seaside Heights, NJ - 04/22/99 03:45 PM

I noticed that Bill is going to be at the Magic Carousel on this date from 7-9 pm... Being very new to HL's I am usnsure as what to expect at one of these events. Is he there just to sign pieces that people have previously purchased? Are there special event incentives? Reduced pricing? Can one of the "wackos" let me know what to expect?

Posted By: Todd Shorkey

Re: Seaside Heights, NJ - 04/22/99 04:35 PM

Welcome to the Forums Mark!

In answer to your questions, Bill is there to sign previous purchases, tell stories, answer questions, and just plain have a good time with collectors.

An event piece is also available, in this case, Kilueha, HI. This piece is known as the "event exclusive" and is only available the day of the event. Bill is always happy to sign these as well.

It is important to note that different stores have different policies as to the number of HL's you can bring from home to be signed. It is always a good idea to call the store ahead of time to find out their policy. Also, it is always a good idea to reserve an event piece. If you are interested in one, let the store know to hold one for you, otherwise, they may sell out the day of the event leaving you without.

Also Mark, visit this link for many more helpful tidbits of event information and etiquette.

I hope this info has helped.

Posted By: btmfdr

Re: Seaside Heights, NJ - 04/28/99 10:51 PM

Anyone plan on attending this event?

Posted By: barry

Re: Seaside Heights, NJ - 05/04/99 04:43 AM

Joan and I will be at the event this friday. I spent many a weekend at Seaside many years ago. Look for us,we will have reunion shirts and name tags on. Hope to see other NJ Shore people that night.
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