Point Vicente Lens

Posted By: flacoastie

Point Vicente Lens - 10/27/05 01:34 AM

Received my Point Vicente Lens from my dealer Tuesday and like it very much. I have a tendency to like all the lenses whether they look different or are the same in looks. I wouldn't compare it to the original fifth order lens and don't suppose it will ever be in the demand that the original lens is but it is a nice fill in piece. I have all the lenses intermingled with my lighthouses. It's a nice looking piece for the money.
Posted By: beachcomber

Re: Point Vicente Lens - 10/27/05 03:20 AM

Sounds like a neat display, Rich. I'm glad to hear your thoughts on lenses and that you are pleased with the Point Vicente. I bought the first but got discouraged when so many more came out. Just don't have the space for so many - or the money, for that matter! But, I have been rethinking getting some of the lenses. Some of them are really beautiful.
Posted By: Bob M

Re: Point Vicente Lens - 10/27/05 11:43 AM

I haven't received my Point Vicente lens as of yet. I assume it will be here soon. I use to display all my lenses but earlier this year I put them back in their boxes and into storage. I wanted to put a few other HL's out where I could enjoy them.

Harbour Lights does a nice job on the lenses and they are real eye-catchers. They are also part of my autoship.

smile Bob smile
Posted By: flacoastie

Re: Point Vicente Lens - 10/27/05 02:34 PM

I think the lenses that have come out are reasonable in price, have great detail, look fantastic and the big thing that I really like is Harbour Lights has not run them into the ground by over producing so many different ones each year. Since the beginning there have only been eight put out and that is in starke contrast to when HLs was putting out 20 lights a year. To me the lenses are special pieces and look great intermingled with the lighthouses.
Posted By: LADYBUG

Re: Point Vicente Lens - 11/21/05 02:07 AM

Picked up my Point Vincente Lens yesterday with an added bonus. When we opened the box there were two tags inside that said Ladybug with a very cute ladybug on them. On the backside it stated sidtributed by Manual Woodworkers and Weavers, Inc.

Somebody at Harbour Lights must be watching out for me. laugh
Posted By: Lighthouser

Re: Point Vicente Lens - 11/21/05 03:54 AM

I think the lenses are special pieces too. I'm missing two, but cherish the ones I have, and they are displayed across my mantel.

It's neat that two of the real lenses that HL modeled their's from are displayed right here in my home state in Yorktown, VA. And having had the opportunity of actually working on the restoration of a real lens this past spring, I guess I'm totally entranced.

Wonder what the next lens release will be, and how many will be released before HL issues a First? And when they do a First, I hope they choose Bodie Island's.

Posted By: sandy

Re: Point Vicente Lens - 11/21/05 04:29 AM

Anybody know why they haven't done a 1st-order lens yet? Seems strange, especially when they've done more than one of some of those they have produced.
Posted By: Rock

Re: Point Vicente Lens - 11/21/05 08:16 PM

As beautiful as they are, I just can't get excited about the lenses the Xmas pieces, I wish HL would dump the batteries/adapters/blinkers approach and return to the solid acrylic piece lens they used for the first (and best) 5th order one...
Posted By: Dave H

Re: Point Vicente Lens - 11/21/05 11:13 PM

You know, Mike, I have to agree with you on that one. The original (solid) lens remains my favorite, even with all the really great models that have followed. I have no desire to light them up on a regular basis, and while it is nice when the include the adapters, save me $10 and make them an option for those who want to light them up.

That said, it was neat having them lit at the Reunion dinner.
Posted By: Danny

Re: Point Vicente Lens - 11/22/05 01:09 AM

I'm going to sound like a card-carrying sourpuss on this one, but I get the lenses only out of a warped sense of obligation to have the "complete collection," since they are numbered as Harbour Lights. They evoke no response in me, since they are not and cannot function as actual Fresnel lenses. And...I don't expect them to do so. Some day, I may get rash and get rid of them, because my interest is in the architecture and siting of the lighthouses: it just depends on how many more HL plans on doing. Two or three a year seems excessive. As they stand, now, they strike me as no more than "different" glass/resin objects with lights in them to imitate the originals, but they are not replicas in the sense that I could appreciate them. How many AC adapters can anyone accommodate, when all is said and done? I would rather commit the very limited and pressed funds to lighthouse structures, not lenses.

Posted By: SThompson

Re: Point Vicente Lens - 11/22/05 06:20 AM

I like them and will keep collecting them! I agree on the first one as being the best, I never cared to light them either.

Posted By: SDudley

Re: Point Vicente Lens - 11/22/05 01:15 PM

I agree with the group, I don't want to light them so I could care if they have that feature. In fact I don't light any of my pieces, lens or lighthouses.
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