Ludington Pier heads-up

Posted By: TDSimpson

Ludington Pier heads-up - 05/02/04 07:30 PM

I just picked up my Ludington Pier piece from my dealer and am very disappointed. Can you believe that when I took it out of the box this brand new piece already had paint pealing off of it.

The area of concern is the white facing area of the deck just below the red railing at the top part of the lighthouse. All four sides are affected.

What is going on with Harbour Lights quality department lately? This means two of the last three items I have purchased need or needed to be replaced. My Nantucket AB arrived with broken pieces and this Ludington paint problem. Not to mention the George Cobb with the paper tape issue. Combine these with the afore mentioned problems with the Three Sisters piece on another thread and in my opinion this does not bode well for Harbour Lights.

Posted By: TDSimpson

Re: Ludington Pier heads-up - 05/21/06 09:22 PM

I found this posting from 2 years ago. Seems this has been problem for a while. I never had mine replaced but maybe I should have. It maybe isn't too late.

Posted By: sandy

Re: Ludington Pier heads-up - 05/21/06 10:11 PM


Don't see why they'd balk at replacing your sculpture. Suggest you email Kathy Johns at, sending pictures if possible. They didn't ask for the flag from my damaged piece, but I destroyed it anyway when I got the replacement. As stated, I received the same number when they replaced it. With your comments from 2004, think it's safe to say the person I dealt with was not responsible for the damage to the piece I purchased from her. Strange that Harbour Lights didn't let the dealers know there might be a problem with this piece. Thank you for reposting your 2004 comments.

Posted By: beachcomber

Re: Ludington Pier heads-up - 05/22/06 12:15 AM

Yours is not the only Ludington Pier with problems, so I am sure Kathy would get you a replacement. If HL wasn't aware of the peeling paint before, Sandy has alerted them. If I had a Ludington Pier stored away, I sure would take it out and check it over. No one should get stuck with this sort of problem.
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