Krispy Kremes

Posted By: NiagaraLady

Krispy Kremes - 11/21/00 03:46 AM

When I attained "Wacko" status, Krispy Kremes were part of the induction.
I thought it was just another donut....
Buffalo finally has a Krispy Kreme location and last week we stood in LINE to get a dozen of the most delicious donuts we ever had. So Krispy Kreme has finally made it up the land of the snow (about 8" right now) and lots more coming down. Think I may just be headed sunshine, warmer weather AND Krispy Kremes.
Posted By: Weasel58

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/21/00 04:47 AM

Niagralady, where I grew up, if someone had said KK was just another donut, they would have been Tared and Feathered, then ran out of town. Then again KK was founded only about 40 miles away from where I grew up in the Peidmont Triad of North Carolina. It was started in Winston-Salem to be exact.

PS Make sure you get them when they are hot out of the cooker!!! Life just don't get any better than a hot KK and a glass of Milk!

[This message has been edited by Weasel58 (edited 11-20-2000).]
Posted By: Torchbearer

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/21/00 05:34 AM

For sure Weasel... we take our Krispy Kremes seriously here in North Carolina. Nothing like getting them while they are hot with the glaze dripping from them! They just melt in your mouth. I have actually seen a few people eat a dozen at one setting. All this talk makes me want to go out and purchase a couple of those little jewels right now. Oh, my aching waistline!

Tim - Keeping the flame lit...
Posted By: Webmaster

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/21/00 05:50 AM

Krispy Kremes came to town 2 years ago - with a store in Tempe -- far enough away that a person only ventured there when there was some other cause to go.

Now they've opened on in Scottsdale. It's still out of the way, but not nearly as much as Tempe. I'm afraid temptation will be calling a bit too often now.

Is there a 12 step program for KK-aholics?
Posted By: MrsTLC

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/21/00 05:57 AM

John, you are lucky...they now have a KK just about a mile from our house...this is's really hard not getting in the car for that short drive to pick up those delicious little morsels...when they were just in Tempe I could resist taking that long long drive for them...but now it's just too darn close...

Posted By: Weasel58

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/21/00 06:01 AM

Having to drive to the next town over, to get KKs, isn't to bad. When I was a kid, every summer I would spend at least one week with my Paternal Granndparents. My Grandmother was one of those people who never let you stay up past 9:00pm, but my Grandfather was a Truck Driver who worked nights, he would sneak in and wake me up at about 11:30pm, and drag me to Greensboro for KKs. This would happen about twice each summer I stayed with them. My grandmother would give both of us dirty looks when we came in, and then she would make sure I was up before 6am to go help work in the Tobacco. This made for some long days, but I still say it was worth it.

Today there is a KK about five blocks from my office, where I have worked for almost 2 years, and I have yet to stop. However if I go home, to NC, KK is about the third thing on my "to do" list!!! Go Figure?!

[This message has been edited by Weasel58 (edited 11-20-2000).]
Posted By: mombo

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/21/00 06:18 AM

Man, you folks are making me hungry! Niagara Lady, could you send a couple down the road? But keep the snow please!

[This message has been edited by mombo (edited 11-20-2000).]
Posted By: Bob M

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/21/00 02:36 PM

I've never had a Krisp Kremes donut. If you are concerned about the fact that donuts can cause expansion of your waist line, just say no to do-dos (pronounced doe-does). They even have a special program in Massachusetts called DARE, DONUT AWARENESS RESISTANCE EDUCATION. One of those help to keep cops off of donuts.

One area radio station ran a special called "Cop/No Cop". A listener would have to guess if there would be a cop in a donut shop that the radio station called at random. Most often than not there would be a cop there. Unfortunately, that doesn't give you a fair and accurate representation because not all cops that patronize donut shops eat donuts. Most are there for coffee.

The count on deck is 2 3/4 do-dos out of my allotted 6 do-dos for the year. I must admit I've eaten a lot of Dunkin Donuts bagels over the last 11 months.

From the East Coast where you would think winter had arrived with temperatures in the 20's and 30's. So far no snow and a prediction that temps may go up to 60 this weekend. You have to love New England!

Posted By: JJ

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/21/00 03:22 PM

Watch it Mombo! There is a KK location soon to open in Kaiz land-Henrietta. They are creeping this way (along with all that snow)
Posted By: DeDo

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/21/00 06:42 PM

I've never had a Krispy Kreme donut. Now I want to try 'one'! Nothing near me in NY other than NYC which I visit rarely.

It sure looks like we missed the boat during our Outer Banks trip this past summer.

Posted By: Mike Thompson

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/21/00 11:25 PM

When I was a kid, we vacationed every year at Myrtle Beach, SC. Bright and early every morning, kids would come to the motel room selling boxes of KK donuts. Now that I'm in New Mexico, I never see them any more.

Posted By: HCarpenter

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/22/00 12:38 AM

I see that there is a Krispy Kreme store on 8010 Bel Air Road in Baltimore...any ideas about how far that is from the Reunion Hotel? I say that Harbour Lights order up a bunch and serve'm up at the reunion...we will probably be waitin' a while here in NH.
Posted By: Nana

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/22/00 05:06 AM

Krispy Kremes are the best ever! This ole' TarHeel grew up a good 2hrs from the nearest KK and it seemed we made excuses for going to Raleigh to get those tasty morsels whenever we could. The only major highway went right by the shop....later when I lived in Jacksonville, FL there was one on Edgewood Ave. Hey Weasel, theirs were the best and their milk the coldest. The one in Tampa was a welcome sight when we moved further south. Now, when we vist our twins, we have one in Roswell, GA, very convenient to get those best ever doughnuts. That red glow on the sign always warms the heart.
Posted By: chris g

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/22/00 10:50 AM

We've had Krispy Kremes here in St. Louis for a couple of years now. I can remember the lines out the door when they first opened. My kids take great delight in looking for the "Hot donuts now" sign when we go by. When it's lit, then scent is incredible! It is worth the trip in there just to see the "curtain" of frosting that is coating the donuts!!!

chris g
Posted By: Robert M Dick

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/22/00 12:19 PM

The year was 1966. Being a senior at Wake Forest College, Joyce and I couldn't sleep early that summer morning in July. We got in the car at 3 AM and drove down Reynolda Road looking for a place to eat. Little did we realize how close to calorie heaven we were. At the very spot where KK began, we pulled in and entered a building where we were overcome by the smell of freshly cooked KK's. Milk and KKs are a delight everyone must experience as they come off the rack, to hot to handle.

And we did this where it all began.

Make anyone hungry?

Posted By: DocJ44

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/22/00 04:45 PM

When I was in Rochester, they were building a Krispy Kreme store right across the road form where I was staying. It hadn't opened yet but I would say they should be opening up very soon. Obviously, they must be moving into western NY area.

Doc John
Posted By: Brent

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/23/00 03:16 AM

Here in southside Virginia....only 40 miles from Winston-Salem....KK's ARE considered one of the main "food groups"....a necessity for LIFE!!

A "KK" A DAY KEEPS THE DOCTOR AWAY ....or three...or four!
Posted By: mombo

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/23/00 07:14 AM

All this donut talk brings to mind a memory from my days at SUNY Albany. The Freihoffer man used to deliver in our neighborhood certain days. This was always in the middle of the night. Whoever was still up studying was in charge of running out into the street to intercept him and grab a couple dozen. They were so good! One girl in the next room named Betty was always asleep as she had a photgraphic mind and never studdied. She made us wake her up by sticking a nice warm donut in her mouth. She stayed awake just long enough to eat it and went right back to sleep. This never ceased to amaze me!
Posted By: Jazzer

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/23/00 07:21 PM

Never ever, and I mean never miss your local KK when you see the red light of the "HOT DONUTS NOW" sign. That sign has to be one of the seven wonders of the south. Don't miss out.
Posted By: LADYBUG

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/23/00 09:49 PM

Way back in the mid 1950s I tasted my first Krispy Kreme donut in Atlanta; we actually sold them as a fund raiser when I was going to school there; oh how I miss them; we have no KK stores here in the Seattle area but they tell me one is coming soon; my husband laughed at me when we were in Nags Head this fall and I found Krispy Kremes at the local convenience store. Of course I bought a half dozen went back to the motel and ate 5 of them in one sitting; Al had to try one; oh the memories.
Posted By: Bob M

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/24/00 01:57 AM

If you ever happen to be on Block Island and you are hungry for a nice fresh donut, meander over to Paine's Dock on New Harbor. Paines is one of three marinas on New Harbor. They make two types of donuts, plain and sugar. They make them fresh every morning and I swear they cook them in lard.

Posted By: MrsTLC

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/24/00 06:27 AM

If you are ever in Las Vegas you can go to the second floor of the Excalliber and they have a Krispy Kreams is sooooo gooooood.... Bob, you have no idea what your are missing...

Posted By: NiagaraLady

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/24/00 03:25 PM

How about if I bring a couple of dozen KK to
our next Great Lakes Harbour Lights Collectors Club meeting on Dec. 3rd. You are all invited!!!!
Posted By: Joanne

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/24/00 09:19 PM

Well it doesn't surprise me that I am the lone dissenting voice. I think Dunkin Donuts are better. Give me a DD over a KK anytime.

Posted By: Weasel58

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/24/00 10:02 PM

Where's my Tar? I found a bag of feathers, but I've misplaced the Tar. Don't ya go anywhere Joanne, I'll find the Tar in a minute or two.
Posted By: Torchbearer

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/24/00 11:34 PM

JOANNE!!! Am I going to have to ban you from this particular Forum and erase your last post? (tic)

Weasel... Since I live in Tarheel country, I can get you the tar. LOL

Tim - Have KK donut, got milk?

[This message has been edited by Torchbearer (edited 11-24-2000).]
Posted By: Bob M

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/25/00 01:38 AM

No Krispy Kremes in my neck of the woods but there are certainly a lot of Dunkin' Donuts are here. There are three stores right in my small town.

"Could I have a #3 please, make the coffee regular, the bagel plain, and plain cream cheese."...Thank you!

Posted By: Webmaster

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/25/00 05:38 PM

After picking Suzie up from her afternoon-evening shopping spree (only bought 2 gifts), we swung by the Scottsdale KK on the way home (well it was about 4 miles out of the way).

And the "Hot Donuts Now" light was lit up. We bought a dozen original through the drive up and only succumbed to one each on the ride home. Hopefully they will last through the weekend.
Posted By: Joanne

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/26/00 02:40 AM

My door is locked and I'm not letting anyone in, and don't try to confuse me by saying it's the DD delivery man with my Boston Cremes. I'm also hiding all my feather pillows! Although, tar may have a beneficial value to the skin much like a chemical peel. I still think I'll pass.

Posted By: MrsTLC

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/26/00 07:06 AM

Joanne...knock knock... flowers delivery!!!
Posted By: MrsTLC

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/26/00 07:13 AM

Joanne... Candy Gram....

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/26/00 05:17 PM

Being in North Carolina my whole life(and loving it),I guess I took KK for granted,wow have I been woken up.Next thing you`ll be telling me is that grits aren`t a breakfast staple. Ruth you and Joanne are a hoot!
Posted By: Joanne

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/26/00 10:41 PM

Flowers, candy, what next? Good thing Radio Shack has the outdoor video surveillance camera on sale this week. Ruthie, I'm on the lookout for any cars with out-of-state license plates that may be parked on my street. Maybe I'll go get an empty KK box to put in my trash to throw everyone off my trail.

Posted By: Dave H

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/27/00 03:47 AM

Originally posted by Bob M:
No Krispy Kremes in my neck of the woods but there are certainly a lot of Dunkin' Donuts are here. There are three stores right in my small town.

When we traveled through Maine & Mass last year, Heather got concerned anytime we went more than a mile or 2 and didn't see a DD. I began to think you folks have more DD than McDonalds!

Krispy Kremes are by far the vastly superior eating delight.

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/27/00 06:30 AM

Dave, What about those Tim Horton's I thought they took over the donut market in the New England area and across Ontario, Canada. I thought they were out numbering McDonalds up there. Certainly no Donut shortage up there anyway.
Posted By: Bob M

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/27/00 01:21 PM

Dave, ...You're correct abount more Dunkin' Donut shops than McDonald's Burger stands. As a matter of fact my home town has three DD's and not one McDonalds. There is a McDonalds in neighboring Plainville though, with a Burger King right across the street. It's amazing how often that happens.

Mark, ... I never heard of the donut shop you mentioned in your post here in New England. Must be up north where they cook all their donuts in "bear-fat".

Posted By: Torchbearer

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/27/00 04:45 PM

Krispy Kreme and McDonalds... Is this a great country or what?!

Tim - Keeping the flame lit...
Posted By: LADYBUG

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/27/00 07:57 PM

Starbucks anyone ?
Posted By: JeffB

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/27/00 09:19 PM

OK, I'll jump into the fray too. About a year ago the first Krispy Kreme shop in the metroplex opened, quite a ways from our house. All I heard was people raving about these, the closest thing to Ambrosia this side of Mt. Olympus. Well, 3 months ago, we came across the lone KK store, and just had to go in. I was aquiver with anticipation (yes, truly aquiver!). I ordered two of them, and with great anticipation bordering on the cataclysmic, I bit into the first one. Imagine my total surprise to learn it was just a donut!!! Oh the disappointment. So I thought maybe I had expected way to much, and promptly dove into the second one. Nope, still a donut. And like Joanne, not even the best donut I had ever had. That award goes to the little mom and pop store near my house that, if you aren't there by noon, don't bother going. And yes, number 2 on my list Dunkin Donuts. I love the chocolate ones! So now I'll go bar my doors, and turn on the recording of the barking dogs!

Posted By: Torchbearer

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/27/00 09:59 PM

Joanne, JeffB... in your honor, I will partake of a KK custard filled, chocolate covered donut this evening.

Terry... being a transplanted yankee, I must admit to eating grits, and not just for breakfast. I was in a Blue Marlin restaurant for dinner the other night and had a Charleston, SC low country dish of shrimp and grits. But being a "hopeless yankee" (as my North Carolina born and raised wife says about me) collards are a different story. EGADS!

Tim - Refusing to eat collards!
Posted By: mombo

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/28/00 06:02 AM

All this talk of fast food brings a story to mind. Many years ago I was driving though a small town with my kids. There were no McDonalds, no Burger King, no donut shops, no nothing. As we left the village limits we passed a cemetary on our right. My son looked over at it and said, "I know what all those people died of, boredom!"
Posted By: Cana Fan

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/28/00 08:16 PM

Not to be a Krispy Kreme naysayer, heaven knows I don't want to turn all you WACKOS against this NEWBIE, however I will cast my vote for Tim Hortons Donuts. As Mark stated earlier, you won't see them in the South, mostly Canada, New York and Ohio, that I know of. I reccommend the Chocolate covered Bavarian creme, or the apple fritter. Try one if you're up north. They may not convert you from the KK's, but you'll like them!
Posted By: Brent

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/29/00 02:31 AM

Recently, while up in Halifax, NS, I bought a variety box of Tim Horton's donuts, and they were wonderful!!! They made me forget about KK's.....that is....until I went across the border, heading south........(tic)
Posted By: NiagaraLady

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/29/00 06:56 AM

I've certainly enjoyed reading all your comments. Now I have taken Tim Horton's and
Dunkin Donuts for granted - our bonus is the new Krispy Kreme store. (That's western New York for you - donut shops on every corner - we have to bulk up to stay warm.......I'm starting my exercise program at the "YW" this Friday!
Posted By: Bob M

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/29/00 01:45 PM

I was watching NECN, New England Cable News, last night and one of their speciality shows was on. It's called the Phantom Gourmet. The subject was fast foods for this episode. After all the talk about McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, Wendys, etc., they talked about donuts. Yes, the show mention Krispy Kremes and how good the donuts were.

Log on to and go to NECN Programming. You'll see the "Phantom Gourmet" listed there. It's an interesting site.

Posted By: Joanne

Re: Krispy Kremes - 11/30/00 03:29 AM


Just a warning - don't open your door if anyone comes bearing gifts - it's just a trojan horse with tar and feathers! I'm willing to make a supreme sacrafice though and give them another chance. Starbucks and two glazed donuts this weekend! (Did I say two? maybe three...)

Posted By: Shortcake

Re: Krispy Kremes - 09/14/02 08:03 AM

back to top for those who do not know what a KK is.
Posted By: JTimothyA

Re: Krispy Kremes - 09/14/02 09:13 AM

When we drove through Martha's Vineyard during the RI Reunion there seemed about a 3 to one ratio between people and donut shops. I've never seen so many doughnut shops per square mile.

Tried my first Krispy Kreme the morning of the Baltimore reunion bus tour to see Mispillion. Made the bus leave late in fact. Figured I'd finally learn what folks here have been ranting about. Yeah it was a good doughnut - I didn't break out in rapture - but it was good. Probably would still choose a fresh Dunkin' Doughnuts French Crueller, but I promise not to make the bus late again. :-)

We've got a couple stores of a new franchise called Panera's here in the area - kinda like an Atlanta Bread Company if you know what those are. Panera's has a thing they call a Cinnamon Crisp Bagel - now that wad of carbos almost did cause me to ascend. Mmmmmm - now I'm hungry - and its two in the morning.

Posted By: lhlover

Re: Krispy Kremes - 09/14/02 01:35 PM

OOOOHHHHH!!!!! That's the Krispy Kreme you guys have been talking about! DUH! Don't I feel sheepish - BAHHHH! smile

*Should I tell them or shouldn't I tell them*

*Should I tell them or shouldn't I tell them*

The Magic 8 Ball says - Beware, but yes. Darn thing - must do what the Magic 8 Ball says - the Magic 8 Ball is always right. *As I kick it out into the road!*

Okay, I know what a Krispy Kreme is - we don't have an actual Krispy Kreme store - like we do Dunkin Donuts (have 3 of them alone in our town), but we can purchase them at the RaceTrac gas-stations and 711's any time we want. I find that the glaze tastes like wax, the cream is too sweet, the breading is hard and stale, and the chocolate is horrible. If I get a Krispy Kreme I usually have to peel off the icing - whatever it maybe - before I can eat it.

Now, before everyone gets the pitch-fork and torches - I have to say in my defense that they are being delivered to Gas-stations. Gas-stations that are in Florida no less. You know how Florida is - we get everything way later than the rest of the up-beat world. Fashion that came out last year is finally making it's way here. Our Krispy Kreme donuts are probably all the donuts you guys did buy yesterday! So see, it's techinally your fault - if you all would eat more Krispy Kreme donuts they would have to make fresh ones before they delivered to our stores. (Plus if the store wouldn't keep them out until they were all sold might help too). smile

I promise that the next time I am up north (Florida - the only state you have to go north to get South) I will try a Krispy Kreme as it was ment to be tried - fresh and straight from the source. {Though I'm sure it couldn't beat a fresh dozen of Dunkin Donut Muchagins.} laugh
Posted By: flacoastie

Re: Krispy Kremes - 09/14/02 02:56 PM

BonnieJean, KK's have been in Florida since I first set foot in Jacksonville back in 1963 while in the Navy. They have many in Jacksonville, Orlando, Gainesville (one by UF), and Daytona(one east of racetrack by about two miles). They are a Florida staple and until you've eaten a HOT KK or gotten a creme filled chocolate covered one you haven't lived. You will think that you have died and gone to lighthouse heaven.

Rich cool
Posted By: lhlover

Re: Krispy Kremes - 09/14/02 03:10 PM

Well, I stand partially corrected! smile But still in my defense - I live 5 hours from Jacksonville, 1 hour 45 minutes from Orlando, 2 hours from Gainesville, and 3½ hours from Daytona Beach. I hate to say it, I'm not that dedicated to donuts to travel that far just to sample it - unless. . . . there was a lighthouse right next to it! laugh laugh laugh I hate just driving the 1½ miles up the road to get a Dunkin Donut - I have to be there at the right time and in the right donut mood! (Yes, there really is a donut mood!) wink But I promise to try one when I run across a Krispy Kreme in my many travels!

Posted By: Weasel58

Re: Krispy Kremes - 09/14/02 05:12 PM

Ok How about the 2 in Tampa? One is up near USF and the other is just west of Downtown on Kennedy.
Posted By: Beaconfollower

Re: Krispy Kremes - 09/14/02 06:31 PM

Well word has it that they are building a Krispy Kreme on Rte 31 here in Clay. It's right near the new Bed Bath & Beyond and best of all the new TARGET!! There is a shopping God after all. laugh
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